Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia

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Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia
Preferred title: Not specified
Their Pronouns: Not specified
Resides: Gyldenholt
Status: Active
Awards: Visit the Caid Order of Precedence
Per saltire gules and sable, in pale two harps and in fess two chalices issuant from each a dagger inverted Or
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Barone Giuseppe Francesco da Borgia, Master of the Laurel and of the Pelican, joined the SCA at Trimarian Fall Crown Tourney held at Camp Wewa, Apopka, FL in 1989 (AS XXIV).

Giuseppe was elevated to the Order of the Laurel by Bytor and Anastasia, King and Queen of Trimaris, on 3/23/1996. Giuseppe was elevated to the Order of the Pelican by Patrick and Kara on 3/13/2010. At their stepping down, Kings Agrippa III and Dawid granted him an Augmentation of Arms.


Born in 1490 in Avignon to a French mother and Spa...Italian father, Giuseppe is a well-known dance instructor in Venice as well as Trimaris, Meridies, Ansteorra, and Caid. Unlike others in his father's family, he prefers that his dinner guests enjoy his cooking and return for more. Giuseppe is married to Giles Hill.

Offices & Positions


  • Deputy Minister of Arts & Sciences, Society for Creative Anachronism (7/15/06 - present)


  • Head of Kingdom Feast Servers Guild, Kingdom of Trimaris, 1992-1994
  • Minister of Arts & Sciences, (now Marcaster), Trimaris, 1993-1994
  • Kingdom Dance Minister, Trimaris, 1993-1995
  • Dance Master, Barony of Wyvernwoode, Trimaris, 06/01/1995-10/01/1997
  • Hospitaller, Barony of Wyvernwoode, Trimaris, 09/01/1995-10/01/1996
  • Arts & Sciences Chancellor (100s Division), Trimaris, 1995-1997
  • Seneschal, Barony of Wyvernwoode, Trimaris, 10/01/1996-01/01/1998
  • Minister of Arts & Sciences, Trimaris, 01/01/1997-01/09/1999
  • 7th Barone of Wyvernwoode,Trimaris, 01/01/1998-07/17/1999
  • Historian, Shire of the Storm (now Marcaster), Trimaris, 05/01/2000-05/26/2001
  • Seneschal, Shire of the Storm (now Marcaster), Trimaris, 05/26/2001-04/01/2002

Kingdom of Caid


Event Staff

  • Trimarian Arts & Sciences "Crat", Gulf Wars V, Trimaris (1996)
  • Trimarian Arts & Sciences "Crat", Gulf Wars VI, Trimaris (1997)
  • Trimarian Arts & Sciences "Crat", Gulf Wars VII, Trimaris (1998)

Classes Taught

Projects & Publications

  • Host, Caid Monthly Scriptorim (4/20/04 - 6/1/07)


Image Preview Award Recipient
Giuseppe1.jpg Award of Arms Adelheit Schwarzenkatze
Coronation Summer 2017 10.jpg Award of Arms Anton le Changeur des Armes
Coronation Summer 2017 10a.jpg Detail of Award of Arms Anton le Changeur des Armes
Coronation Summer 2017 10b.jpg Detail of Award of Arms Anton le Changeur des Armes
Coronation Summer 2010 070.JPG Award of Arms Cara Michelle DuValier
Coronation June AS 50--15.jpg Award of Arms Erenric of Devon
Coronation scrolls, Angels Melee letters and calligraphy 006.JPG Award of Arms Madelena Hidalgo de Valencia
Coronation scrolls, Angels Melee letters and calligraphy 028.JPG Detail of Award of Arms Madelena Hidalgo de Valencia
Coronation Spring 2014 029.jpg Award of Arms Rand Reynald
Coronation Spring 2014 030.jpg Detail of Award of Arms Rand Reynald
Coronation Spring 2014 003.jpg Detail of Award of Arms Rand Reynald
Coronation Summer 2010 052.JPG Award of Arms Wihtstan Gravenor
Giuseppe3.jpg Dolphin Bartholomew Marchant of Studley Green
Giuseppe6.jpg Dolphin Colette de Montpellier
Giuseppe2.jpg Dolphin Yvon Bater of Darkwood
Coronation Nov 09 and scrolls 060.JPG Harp Argent Ilia Aleksandrovich
Gyldenholt anniversary and Romelpot 032.JPG Harp Argent Jens inn draumspaki
Coronation Jun-12 14.jpg Harp Argent Richenda Elizabeth Coffin
Nov. Coronation 2013 058.JPG Knight Ilia Aleksandrovich
12th Night 2016 24.jpg Laurel Adelheit Schwarzenkatze
12th Night 2016 24a.jpg Detail of Laurel Adelheit Schwarzenkatze
Coronation Nov 09 and scrolls 120.JPG Laurel Caterucia Bice da Ghiacceto
Cateruccia Laurel detail 4.jpg Detail of Laurel Caterucia Bice da Ghiacceto
Cateruccia Laurel detail 2.jpg Detail of Laurel Caterucia Bice da Ghiacceto
Cateruccia Laurel detail 1.jpg Detail of Laurel Caterucia Bice da Ghiacceto
Cateruccia Laurel detail 3.jpg Detail of Laurel Caterucia Bice da Ghiacceto
Lasairfhionas scroll.jpg Laurel Lasairfhíona ní Chon Chonnacht
Coronation scrolls Jun 2015 1.png Laurel Meave Douglass
Coronation June AS 50--33.jpg Laurel Wilhelmina de Gothia



Artistic interests

  • 15th C. Italian "balli" (Dance)
  • 9th C. Irish and 16th C. Italian Embroidery
  • Metalsmithing, Soapstone Carving & Pewtercasting
  • 9th C. Irish, 15th C. Italian, and 14th C. English Costuming
  • Culinary Arts (cooking & recipe redaction)
  • Domestic Arts
  • Lampwork (beadmaking)
  • Calligraphy & Illumination
  • General Research
