Circle of Bards

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Right Noble Circle of Bards

The Circle of Bards is a loose affliation of all the Bards in Caid. There are various local bardic workshops, guild meetings, and occasional Kingdom-wide activies. The Guild was awarded Right Noble status on 08/26/2006 by Sven and Kolfinna, at Kolfinna's Festival of the Rose. (photo of the award-giving in closing court)

Bard of Caid

The ten competitors from the first Bard of Caid competition. Back left to right: Finella (winner), Thomas, Bjorn, Mary, Beathog, Domnbhall Front left to right: Eilidh, ??, Lilya, Caitlin

At Highland War 9/3/2005, Dietrich III and Adriana II conducted the first competition to name the Bard of Caid. Finella Harper was named the Premier Bard of Caid, and incidentally served the longest term as Bard since the 2nd competition was postponed several times.

At 12th Night on 1/6/2007, Edric IV and Faizeh hosted the second Bard of Caid competition, where Elizaveta Arievna Lebedeva (also known as Lilya) was named the Bard of Caid.

At 12th Night on 1/5/2008, Edric V and Faizeh II hosted the third Bard of Caid competition, where Eilidh Swann Stralachlan was named the (current) Bard of Caid.

Rules and Responsibilities

  • PURPOSE: To choose an exemplar of The Muse who will strive to ennoble The Realm in verse and song and bring glory to The Kingdom.
    • The holder of the title shall be determined by competition, judged similar to Pentathlon.
    • The Bard of Caid shall owe his/her Primary Fealty to the Kingdom of Caid.
    • The Bard of Caid may not succeed himself/herself.
    • This competition is open to singers, poets, storytellers, actor-playwrights, and musicians.
    • The position of Bard of Caid shall carry a 1 year commitment that includes three required Kingdom Events (Twelfth Night, Great Western War, and the competition for his/her successor). These events are fluid: The King & Queen will decide, based on the Bard of Caid’s schedule, which kingdom events are mandatory performance events.
    • Skill is required in both composition and performance.
    • The holder of the title of Bard of Caid shall be one person, not a group consortium: however, the competing bard may use backup musicians or singers.
    • The bard of Caid shall perform pieces, either original or historical, at the aforementioned events. The pieces composed do not have to be composed specifically for that event.
    • The Bard of Caid shall compose an original piece for Twelfth Night, Great Western War and on or about May 1st of each year. The compositions should be composed with the specific intent to bring glory to The Kingdom of Caid or The Crown. The composition could be a battle song, a love song, a praise poem, a satire, or whatever the bard of Caid feels inspired to compose.
    • The Bard of Caid is enjoined to publish the piece in The Crown Prints or The Ars Caidis, The Kingdom Arts & Sciences publication.
    • To run the competition that determines his/or her successor.
    • Perform at the request of anyone five (5) years of age or younger.
    • The Bard of Caid shall have a baldric or cloak that will identify him/her as the Kingdom Bard. This garment IS kingdom regalia: it will be returned at the end of the Bard of Caid’s year tenure.

Territorial Bards

Bard of Altavia

Bard of Darachshire

Bard of Dun Or

Bard of Gyldenholt

Lyon Bard (Barony of Lyondemere)

Sherwood Bard (Barony of Angels)



More Information

Guilds of Caid
Kingdom Guilds: Academy of Equestrian Arts, Arachne's Web, Blue Feather, Blue Nails Dyers, Brewers' Guild, Circle of Bards, Company of Archers, Company of Clothiers, Hounds of Caid, Metalworkers' Guild, Middle Eastern Guild, Newcomers Guild, Potters' Guild, Royal Crescent Navy, Saint Genesius

Other Information: Local Guilds, Former Guilds, Officers