Terrance the Gentle

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Preferred title: Not specified
Their Pronouns: Not specified
Resides: Gyldenholt & Lyondemere
Status: Active
Awards: Visit the Caid Order of Precedence
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Lord Terrance the Gentle officially joined the SCA in January 2009. Terrance is a resident in the Barony of Gyldenholt & denizen of the Barony of Lyondemere. Terrance has started to learn the art of fighting, as a matter of course, and is becoming fast proficient in sword/shield & Halberd and will soon take up learning to become proficient in combat crossbow & thrown weapon.

Lord Terrance enjoys and seems to thrive more so when involved in the different art forms, including but not limited to heraldry, cooking, oral / written history, singing /spoken poetry and the art of gaming, as well as fashion (clothing construction)

Terrance was presented with an Award of Arms on 6/13/2009 by Edward II and Mora II, King and Queen of Caid.


Lord Terrance the Gentle was born in the early morning of June 1340 in southern England to a father who was an Alderman and a mother who's family were wholesale merchants of spices & domesticated animals. His father was sent on a diplomatic mission however his boat sank and was declared loss at sea. His mother out of grief sent Terrance to live with his uncle who was starting a new trade business. Terrance worked long and hard under his uncle's grueling tutelage as both a merchant and administrator. With many years of successful work as a merchant Terrance wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and left the work of day trading to start work in service to the Crown through the Barony.

By luck and grace the Baron & Baroness Ursul and Colette deemed Terrance worthy enough to be part of the Baronial Guard. While working to honor his father's work as a self-less administrator, Terrance offered to follow up and learn to take up the skills of a Chronicler.

Terrance the Gentle fights for the honor and noble respect of all the fair maidens of Gyldenholt & Lyondemere. When Terrance is not buried in research and study he most often found either assisting those in need within the kingdom of Caid and the gentry at large.

Offices & Positions

  • Member of the Baronial Guard for Ursul and Colette, Barony of the Gyldenholt, 6/13/2009 to 6/2010
  • Deputy Chronicler of The Gyldenholt Press, Barony of Gyldenholt, 7/9/09 to 6/2010
  • Squire to Mons von Goarshausen, 2010 to Present

Event Staff

  • Volunteer (Games), Calafia/Gyldenholt Friendship Tournament, 3/14/2009
  • Volunteer (Tear down & Close), Gyldenholt Anniversary, 6/13/2009

Projects & Publications

  • None yet



  • None yet


Present and Past Affiliations