Asakura Machime

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Baroness Asakura
Preferred title: Not specified
Their Pronouns: Not specified
Resides: Barony of Altavia
Status: Active
Awards: Visit the Caid Order of Precedence
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Baroness Asakura no Mashi (her preferred name, previously known as Artemisia di Serena). Apprentice to Master Hroar sviðandi and Mistress Huette Aliza von und zu Ährens und Mechthildberg. Welcomed to the Order of the Laurel, May 11th, 2013 at Altavia Anniversary.


Asakura Machime (Machime first name) lived through the tail of the Azuchi-Momoyama period (安土桃山時代 Azuchi-Momoyama jidai) and into the Edo Period (江戸時代 Edo jidai), or Tokugawa period (徳川時代 Tokugawa jidai), (end of 16th, beginning of the 17th Century) Japanese potter who befriended the local Portuguese and Dutch tradesmen. Because of her European friends, she is taught about the world beyond the potteries where she lives and trades.

Offices & Positions

  • Baronial Court Potter (and lady in waiting) to Baroness Ælfwyn Wodende, June, 1999 through 2005.
  • Guildmistress of the Potters' Guild of Caid from 2000 to current.
  • Guildmistress of the Calafian Potters Guild of Caid from 2009 to current (and looking for someone local and active to really watch over that charter).
  • Seneschal of the Barony of Altavia, March, 2000 through May, 2003
  • Chronicler of the Barony of Altavia, May, 2003 through May, 2004
  • Court Potter for the Kingdom of An Tir (Uther and Anahaard), June 2005
  • Court Potter for the Kingdom of the West (Jade and Alanna), June 2005
  • Court Potter for the Kingdom of Caid (Edric IV and Faizah), November 2006
  • Court Potter for the Kingdom of the West (Uther and Kara), January 2007
  • Chronicler of the Barony of Altavia, May, 2012 through July, 2014
  • Social Media Officer of the Barony of Altavia, February, 2012 through May, 2014
  • A&S Officer of the Barony of Altavia, May, 2015 through May 2017
  • Co-Chief/Lady-in-Waiting for Communications, Barony of Altavia, May, 2014 through May, 2018
  • A&S Judging/Contest, Collegium Caidis Regent, Fall 2013 – Present
  • A&S Officer of the Barony of Lyondemere, February, 2018 through June 2019
  • Social Media Officer of the Barony of Lyondemere, February, 2018 through April, 2020
  • Seneschal of the Barony of Lyondemere, June, 2019 - Present

Event Staff

  • Autocrat, Japanese Tourney in Altavia, August 28, 1999
  • Co-Autocrat, Friendship Tourney Angels/Altavia in Altavia, December 4, 1999
  • Kitchen Helper, 12th Night feast (Hats) in Angels, January, 2000
  • Co-Autocrat, Friendship Tourney Lyondemere/Altavia in Lyondemere, February 26, 2000
  • Autocrat, Altavia Anniversary in Altavia, May 13, 2000
  • Food server, Green Frog, Altavia Anniversary in Altavia, May 13, 2000
  • Autocrat, Festival of the Rose/Queen's Archery in Altavia, May 14, 2000
  • Autocrat, Japanese Tourney in Altavia, August 12, 2000 (This includes organizing an Iron Chef competition among other things)
  • Autocrat, Japanese Tourney in Altavia, August 25, 2001 (This includes organizing an Iron Chef competition among other things)
  • Co-cook, Royal Lunch, Altavia Anniversary in Altavia, May, 2001
  • Co-cook, Royal Lunch at Angels Festival of the Rose for Edric III and Catalina, Feburary 2, 2002
  • Contest Steward, Armoured Quidditch, June 1, 2002
  • Autocrat, Marco Polo Tourney in Altavia, October 5, 2002 (This includes organizing an Iron Chef competition among other things)
  • Kitchen Helper, 12th Night feast (Le Menagier de Paris -- Book of Hours) in Altavia, January, 2003
  • Organizer for Iron Chef Cooking Competition at Great Western War 2003, October, 2003
  • Tent Event Organizer for Great Western War 2003, October, 2003
  • Autocrat, Festival Saturnalia in Altavia, December 13, 2003
  • Luncheon Steward/Fundraiser/Cook/Potter at Angels Anniversary in Angels, September 11, 2004 (Made lunch and gave plates with the lunch as a fundraiser for the Barony.)
  • Tent Event Organizer for Great Western War 2004, October 6-11, 2004
  • Lunch Cook for Investiture of Laertes and Bridget at Twelfth Night in Heatherwyne, January 8, 2005
  • Cook's Luncheon Assistant for Angels Anniversary in Angels, September 10, 2005
  • Regent of Miscellania for Collegium, 2004 through 2006. Regent of A&S Society Skills 2014 to current.
  • Co-Autocrat, Angels Yule in Angels, December 17, 2005
  • Lunch Booth Helper and Organizer for the Potters Guild Cup Sale (helped with lunch and sold cups) at Crown Prints Prize Tournament 2009 in Angels, June 27, 2009
  • Co-ran Bake Sale and Coffee Bar at Pink Ribbon Tournament in Angels, October 25, 2009
  • Co-Autocrat Altavia Anniversary 2010, May 22, 2010
  • Organizer for a Fundraiser for CP Prize Cup Project at CP Prize July 2011.
  • Organizer for a Fundraiser at Altavia Agincourt Tourney 2011 selling cups for Altavia's Archery, October 23, 2011.
  • Assistant Cook/Kitchen helper, Black Oak Lodge in Darach, March, 2012
  • Co-Steward Altavia Anniversary 2012, 05/12/2012
  • Cooking lunch for the Queen at Queens Champion Archery 2012, 06/23/2012
  • Preparing lunch for the Royalty and doing a populace lunch for a fundraiser for Potters Guild at CAID Rapier Open 2012, 07/28/2012
  • Ran Fretted Fork Contest at Agincourt Tourney 2013, 10/27/2013
  • Head Cook for Lunch and Dinner at West Coast Culinary Symposium in Dreiburgen, hosted by Gyldenholt 2014 West Coast Culinary Symposium, 03/7/2014 thru 3/9/2014
  • Cook for Luncheon at Summer Crown Tournament 2014 and ran a fundraiser for the Travel Fund with the help of the Potters' Guild, 08/16/2014
  • Helped run raffle at Agincourt Tourney 2014, 10/26/2014
  • Autocrat Lyondemere Anniversary 2018, June 2018
  • Co-Autocrat Arts & Archery 2019, March 2019
  • Webright Virtual A&S 2020
  • Autocrat Fall Ball Virtual, 2020

Classes Taught

Projects & Publications

Published Articles & Illustrations

  • "It's Not Just A Plate! The Beauty and Importance of Maiolica,” Tournaments Illuminated #144 Autumn 2002. All about Maiolica and its importance and history in our world.
  • “Techniques of Clay”, published in Fret Knot!, Stephan's Florilegium, and The Southwind (Atenveldt’s kingdom Newsletter.) This article has been requested to be republished throughout the years since it first was written back in 2000.
  • “Science of Ceramics,” published in Fret Knot!, Stephan's Florilegium, and The Southwind (Atenveldt’s kingdom Newsletter.) This article has been requested to be republished throughout the years since it first was written back in 2000.
  • “Multi-Purpose Molds: It's not just for Cooking!” published in Fret Knot!, Stephan's Florilegium, and The Southwind (Atenveldt’s kingdom Newsletter.) This article has been republished between 2000-2004.
  • Artwork/Illustrations have been published over the years in the Fret Knot!, The Seraph (Angels baronial newsletter) and the Crown Prints (Caid’s kingdom newsletter) between mostly 2000-2004. A few covers were done for the Crown Prints as well.


Image Preview Award Recipient
Coronation Summer 2017 18.jpg Pelican Cecilia Medici
Coronation Summer 2017 18a.jpg Detail of Pelican Cecilia Medici
Coronation Summer 2017 18c.jpg Back of Pelican Cecilia Medici
Coronation Summer 2017 18b.jpg Front of Pelican Cecilia Medici

A&S Competitions Entries

  • 2001 Festival of the Rose (Spring)
    • Won 1st Place Functional Arts" for my pipkins (pre-Pentathlon contest with Laurels judging).
  • 2001 Caid A&S Pentathlon (August)
    • Brewing/Medicinal (Cordial) -- 2nd place, Apprentice
    • Needlework/Needlepoint (Bargello) -- 1st place, Apprentice
    • Tools/Other Items (Cable Knife) 1st place, Apprentice
    • Visual Arts/Functional Ceramics (Functional, Other) -- Ceramics 1st & 2nd Artisan Two pieces, two pipkins.
  • 2003 Caid A&S Pentathlon (March)
    • Culinary/Medicinal (Vinegar) -- 2nd place, Apprentice
    • Fiber/Needlework/Needlepoint (13th Century German Needlework Bag) -- 1st place, Apprentice
    • Functional/Herbcraft/Culinary Herbcraft (Vertgay Spice Mixture) 2st place, Apprentice
    • Visual Arts/Functional Ceramics (Functional, Other) -- Ceramics 1st & 2nd Artisan Two pieces, one pipkin and an aquamanile.
  • 2012 Festival of the Rose / Dreiburgen Summer Arts 2012 won Brewing/Culinary and Artifactory, as well as their Baronial Champion for 2012.
  • 2012 Lyondemere Anniversary 2012 won judged Culinary (cheese) and judge Period 14th Century Item (Ram Aquamanile).
  • 2013 Pentathlon w/ Calafia Gyldenholt Friendship Tourney Second Place overall at Caid's A&S Pentathlon.

Service Activities

Autocrating, cooking at events, fundraising, teaching, and running the Potters' Guild. She's done chronicler and while doing the job, the Fret Knot was nominated for the Black Fox award (and was actually nominated twice, the first time she helped she friend get it while she was in the position). As a merchant, she teaches about historical ceramics throughout CAID, the West, An Tir, and in the past to the Mid Realm and beyond. She also gives largess both locally (Baronial level) as well as Kingdom level.


A&S Interests

  • Ceramics
  • Metalworking
  • Glass (fused and slumping)
  • Cooking
  • Brewing
  • Cheesemaking
  • Gardening
  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Photography
  • Papercraft

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