Winter Coronation/12th Night 2023

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Location: First Congressional Church, Riverside Dreiburgen
Date: 01/07/2023

Coronation of Their Highnesses Aurelius Optimus and Basilissa Artemidorou at Caid’s Twelfth Night.

Event Staff


From the Event Facebook Page

The Barony of Dreiburgen invites you to join them on January 7th, 2023, to celebrate the reign of Their Majesties Adam Makandro and Staeina Halfdanardottir, as well as the Coronation of Their Highnesses Aurelius Optimus and Basilissa Artemidorou at Caid’s Twelfth Night. Baroness Portia Olivier la fourniere will be holding a dirty dozen largess competition, Lord Geral de Riera is preparing a Roman feast, and Master Brocc of Alderden will be leading dancing. Event details for Privy Council on January 8th will be set up as a separate event.


  • 9:00 am Site opens
  • 10:00 am Opening court
  • 5:00 pm Roman feast and dancing
  • 8:00 pm Clean up
  • 9:00 pm Site closes

Registration fee: Payment will only be accepted on site, so there are no refunds. Please make checks payable to SCA, Inc/Barony of Dreiburgen. Adult Event Registration $15, Adult Member Discount Event Registration $10, Youth aged 17 and under are guests of the Barony. Feast is an additional $15. Site Information: First Congressional Church, 3504 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA 92501. The parking spaces at the church are reserved, but there are three free public parking lots directly adjacent to the church.

Dirty Dozen Competition: All entrants should create 12 items based on a theme that is suitable for largess. For example:

  • 12 needle books
  • 12 hats from different (or the same) period(s)
  • 12 items suitable for a specific time period
  • 12 children’s toys

Note: items that traditionally are used in pairs should include twelve pairs, so 12 socks would not be suitable as that is only 6 pairs. All entries should be tagged with the maker’s name and be ready to be given the day of the competition.

  • Items do not need to be documented as this is not an Arts and Sciences competition.
  • Items should not have heraldry on them as they are meant to be presented in other areas.

Judging will be done by the populace in the following manner: Each entrant display will have a cup placed next to it. During the event anyone may put a provided token into the cup accompanying their choice. Once voting closes, and all votes have been tallied, the entrant with the most tokens in their cup gets first choice of 3 items from any of the entries as a prize. Each subsequent entrant then chooses from the remaining entries in order, according to the popular vote. Each entry may only be chosen once as a prize. The remaining 11 items from each entry will be given to Their Majesties at the end of the day for use as largess during their reign. Roman Feast menu (limited to 100):

  • Cucumber salad: cucumber, garum*
  • Fried carrots: carrots, white wine, garum*
  • Apricot appetizer: apricots, mint, honey, wine, red port wine, garum*, cornstarch, black pepper
  • Lettuce patina: romaine, garum*, grape juice, olive oil, eggs
  • Lentils with chestnuts: lentils, chestnuts, black pepper, coriander, cumin, mint, wine vinegar, honey, garum*, olive oil
  • Pork stew with apples: pork, beef, olive oil, garum*, leeks, coriander, beef stock, apples, black pepper, cumin, coriander, mint, garlic, vinegar, honey, garum*, defrutum, flour
  • Stuffed meat patties: ground beef, bread, wine, black pepper, garum*, myrtle berries, pine nuts, grape juice
  • Alexandrian cumin bread: flour, yeast, salt, cumin
  • Stuffed dates: dates, honey, almonds, salt
  • Peach patina: peaches, wine, eggs, milk, olive oil, pepper
  • Garum: anchovies, oregano, grape juice, salt


  • From the Steward: Thank you to the following individuals who made Coronation run so smoothly today. Logan Black Rune and Megan Ariela Gwynhwyfar for running gate, and Tyne MacPhersone for assisting them. Geral de Riera for agreeing to run the feast, and to Yosh Hlfrd, Alice Kan, Michelle Stark, Yngvildr in írska, Teresa Finnern, and Kungund Benehonig for their assistance with cooking and serving the feast. Ramvoldus Kröll for making the site tokens, Master Brocc of Alderden for running dance, and Wendy Creek and Deborah Fox for providing live music. Chiara Ásta for her help setting up the feast hall, as well as the many people who jumped in to help when I needed tables moved, or let me know when more paper towels were needed in the bathroom.


Scrolls Presented at Coronation

(Click scroll thumbnail for more information)
Image Preview Award Recipient
Anlaith-an-Einigh AoA Illumination Lindsey-MacDonald Calligraphy Thomas-Brownwell.jpg AoA Anlaith an Einigh
Guy-Marchant-de-Westley AoA Illumination by Richenda-Elizabeth-Coffin Calligraphy by Thomas-Brownwell.jpg AoA Guy Marchant de Westley
Hestia-Korinthia AoA Illumination by Magnus-Capon.jpg AoA Hestia Korinthia
Sancha-Castellano AoA Scroll by Elizabeth-of-Roxbury-Mill.jpg AoA Sancha Castellanos
Hakon Bloodaxe of Orkney by Knight .jpg Knight Hakon Bloodaxe of Orkney


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