Oliver Dogberry

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Colwyn vs Oliver.jpg
(top) Oliver Dogberry at at Caid Rapier Open 2008
(bottom) versus Don Colwyn at QC Spring 2009
Preferred title: Not specified
Their Pronouns: Not specified
Resides: Calafia
Status: Active
Awards: Visit the Caid Order of Precedence
Device Oliver Dogberry.jpg
Per chevron throughout sable and argent, two dogs combatant each maintaining a sword argent and a sprig of three blackberries sable barbed and slipped vert.
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Baron Oliver Dogberry, OD is the fifth Baron of Calafia with his wife, Baroness Kate Dogberry, and is a Companion of the White Scarf of Caid.

Oliver was elevated to the Order of Defense by TRM Athanaric and Sigriðr at Calafia Anniversary 2015.

Offices & Positions

Event Staff

Classes Taught

Rapier Teaching Dossier

Quoth Oliver: "To start out with, I’ve never had a Student; and until I step down from being the Baron of Calafia (in November 2013) I honestly don’t have the cycles to commit to someone becoming my Student. It would just be too unfair for them. This, along with the unique isolationism of training & learning far from the rest of the Kingdom, has stunted my own personal growth as a WS, as it pertains to all the other aspects beyond mere Skill of Blade. However, I’m pretty approachable for just about anyone, regardless of their personal level, for quick one-on-one discussions; I usually like to spar with someone & hand out pointers along the way. I can ‘dial down’ my sparring to just above someone’s current level, so they don’t get beaten down and become discouraged. I’m better at discussing the mental game than pointing out good techniques, since most of my own skill set is natural talent that is not easy to duplicate. I have a real tendency to ‘mirror’ my opponent’s ‘style’, which allows me to discuss at a high level the various ways a blade can move. I usually expect someone to take what I’ve told them and spend time & effort in learning and practice; and I have little patience for anyone looking for the quick ‘Level Up’ cheat. (FYI – it doesn’t exist) I don’t travel to other practices, due to the 2-4 hour drive each way from San Diego, however, I am at an event almost every weekend, and if my duties as Baron do not get in the way, I will bring my gear for pickups and quick helpful hints. However for the few rapier tourneys that I do enter (QC, Rapier Open & Defender of the Children) I am usually focused & may not want to ‘teach’ until after I’m out of the tourney."
