Twelfth Night 2014

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Location: First Lutheran Church – Trinity Center, 1410 Foot Hill Dr, Vista, CA 92084
Date: 1/4/2014

Twelfth Night 2014

Event Staff


  • Brief listing of major points of the day


From the Crown Prints

Join us this day to celebrate the end of the Winter Festival and fill this day with much feasting, music, and joy. The Crescent Café will be there to help get your day started off right with baked goods and coffee. After Court we will enjoy the dulcet tones of amusing sto- ries of our Kingdom’s finest bards as they compete for the title of Bard of Caid.

Activities, Contests, and Competitions:

Bard of Caid Competition
Crescent Café (Coffee Bar and Bake sale)
Constable’s lost and found auction
Dancing (Run by THL Maluchka Korotkova)
Games (Chess, Checkers, Backgammon)
Largess Competition (Run by Lord Tiberius Finn)
Photo Booth (Sponsored by the Academy of St. Veronica)
Raffle (Two entries into Potreo, Two Feast Comps, Seam ripper, and more)
Gate will open at 8:00am
Opening Court will begin at 10:00
Feast will begin at 5:00pm
Site Closes at 9:00, We must be offsite at this time

Merchants are welcome. Please contact Lady Jazlynne Marie Fairday

Bard of Caid Rules As in the past, there shall be four performances: 1. Historically accurate – A performance of a piece from pre-1600 Europe or in that style. 2. Bard’s Choice – traditionally your best piece free from any subject or style constraints. 3. Theme piece – This year’s theme will be announced at Coronation. It will be circulated to electronic lists after that announcement. 4. On-site composition – Three words will be announced in the first hour of court at 12th night. The competitors will compose something on-site that will include those words. • Bonus – In the past there have been bonus words given, but as everyone finds a way to use them, it has become a fairly self-leveling bonus. Instead I offer a bonus for display- ing a breadth of bardic skills: original composition, musical ability (vocal and instrumental,) poetry, memorized recita-tion, stage performance, etc. Documentation is expected for round one, and it is help- ful for the judges to have some kind of documentation for the other pieces. If there are any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

SWAGAPALOOZA – A largess Competition 12th Night has always been an awesome event here in CAID, and this year we are adding another fun event to the schedule. The Largesse SWAGAPALOOZA!!

Details: Anyone can participate, and you will need to create 12 Items based on a theme. The theme is up to you, so now is your time to be creative! Examples can be "Friday Night Crafting, or 14th Century Garb Accessories". Remember that this is not an Arts and Sciences Competition, so items do not need to be documented, but if you have done a re-creation, please include that information on the tag!

Please make sure that all items entered must be tagged correctly, so that we know who to thank, and where each item belongs.

Each Entry will be provided with a Cup and a Name Tag, then people will come by and drop a Token in the Cup. The Winner of the SWAGAPALOOZA is the entrant with the most tokens in their cup.

What do you win?? The Winner of the SWAGAPALOOZA will get One Item from each of the other Competitors! Because 12 Items can be a lot for those who may not be skilled in the Largesse making arts, we are accepting Group Entries!

Thank you in advance to everyone who enters and for being a part of The Dream!

12th night will be located at: First Lutheran Church – Trinity Center, 1410 Foot Hill Dr, Vista, CA 92084

Non members – $15.00
Members - $10.00
Children 7-12 years old: $5.00
Children 6 years old and younger will be guests of the Barony
Lunch $5
Feast - $12
Merchant fee is $20.00 (includes one entry)
Make checks payable to: SCA Inc./Barony of Calafia


  • Leave your memories here.


Add photos if we have them 12th Night 2014 Scrolls for wiki


(Click scroll thumbnail for more information)

Image Preview Award Recipient
Scroll pics 063.jpg Award of Arms Alexander Kallidokos
Scroll pics 057.jpg Lux Caidis Cara Michelle DuValier
Scroll pics 007.jpg Duchy Cassandra Zoë Paganel
Scroll pics 031.jpg Harp Argent Catherine Aimeri de Winter
Scroll pics 003.jpg Lux Caidis Catherine Aimeri de Winter
Scroll pics 023.jpg Pelican Ceridwen Killian
Scroll pics 018.jpg Award of Arms Fiona Julienne nic Lowry
Scroll pics 074.jpg Lux Caidis Jamal Damien Marcus
Scroll pics 014.jpg Laurel Joan Silvertoppe
Scroll pics 035.jpg Dolphin John James MacCrimmon
Scroll pics 068.jpg Crescent of Caid Kelvin of Tynedale
Scroll pics 069.jpg Harp Argent Levi ben Daniel
Scroll pics 067.jpg Crescent of Caid Luzia da Silva
Scroll pics 070.jpg Dolphin Meave Douglass
Scroll pics 008.jpg Harp Argent Morgana Ferrari
Scroll pics 055.jpg Award of Arms Nicholas the Archer
Scroll pics 044.jpg White Scarf Oliver Dogberry

More Information

  • Links to photo galleries, West Kingdom History page, etc.


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