Black Rose Ball & Company of Clothiers 20th Anniversary

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2001 Astridr Selr Leifsdøttir and Astra Christiana Benedict.jpg
Astridr Selr Leifsdóttir and Astra Christiana Benedict
Location: Gyldenholt
Date: Date of Event

Company of Clothiers' Black Rose Ball, March 24, 2001

Event Staff


  • Brief listing of major points of the day

From the Crown Prints

Early Costumers' Warning: The Right Noble Company of Clothiers will celebrate their 20th anniversary with a de Beaumont Black Rose Ball Saturday, March 24, 2001, hosted by the Barony of Gyldenholt. To our own mild surprise, a close reading of the records indicates that the Right Noble Company of Clothiers has been dispensing costuming advice and practicing psychology without a license since January, A.S. XV. Much as we'd like to pretend we couldn't possibly be that old, it is equally against our natures to pass up such a grand excuse for a party.

Therefore, you are cordially invited to join us for an afternoon of dance practice and games, and an evening of dancing and merriment. The Barony of Gyldenholt has graciously agreed to host a ball in honour of our endurance.

Here's the Early warning part: the theme shall be Come As You Always Wanted to Be. Fabulous clothes are our raison d'être. We would be honoured if our guests used the occasion to make that one costume you've always wanted to make; the one you've been saving the pearls and the trim for, the costume of your dreams. The killer Elizabethan, the hand-embroidered cotte, and the 110% acurate Viking: we don't care what culture or time period, so long as it's the costume that sings to your heart.

In return, we offer our deep appreciation and the best entertainment that Gyldenholt can provide. The afternoon shall be given over to dance practice and games, including Pall Mall and lawn bowling if the weather is fair. Health permitting, Baron Keradwc an Cai has agreed to record everyone's fine appearance for posterity. Mistress Astra Christiana Benedict and an unparalleled staff of cooks will provide a buffet bountiful enough for to obviate the need for a dinner break. The evening will bring dance cards, live music and the ball itself. Barring scheduling disasters, this event will take place in Anaheim , CA.


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