Liam mór MacGregor

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Sir Liam at Angels Melee14.jpgUilliam mor macgregor knighted.jpg
Liam right after knighting '14
Preferred title: Not specified
Their Pronouns: Not specified
Resides: Altavia
Status: Active
Awards: Visit the Caid Order of Precedence
Uilliam mor macgregor device.jpg
Per pale sable and vert, a triquetra and in chief two eagle's jambs erased a la quise addorsed argent.
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Sir Liam mór MacGregor, started in the SCA in 2005, at GWW IX. He immediately knew that this was something he wanted to do. He started attending fighting practices in Angels and Altavia, and quickly found a home in Altavia, where he eventually began running the youth combat program. After about two years of events and practices, he found his way into Griffin Freehold, and found his SCA family. He has taken direct training as a Man-at-Arms from Sir Thorin vorðr Ó Séaghdha as well as many of the Knights of the Fifth Brigade. He previously fought alongside the Guardians of the High Road (Altavia's fighting unit), and the Fifth Brigade. Liam is the Armored Combat marshal for the Barony of the Angels.

Formerly squired to Sir Davi d'Orleans, Sir Liam was elevated to the Order of Chivalry on 10/12/2013 by Sven IV and Cassandra II at Great Western War XVI. He took William Ulfsson as a Squire 05/08/2015, at Altavia Anniversary, and Bernard Stark as a Squire at Angels/Altavia Yule 12/10/2016.

Sir Liam is married to The Honorable Lady Fara MacGregor, and has erved twice as the Baron of Angels.

Sir Liam's OP


  • Formerly known as Uilliam of Altavia, and Uilliam mor Macgregor
  • Born in 370CE, Being part of the Gaul invasion of Rome in 390. Liam is a Nobleman of the Warrior cast, during the sack of Rome, found his Lady wife Fara, and returned to his homeland to start a family.

Offices & Positions



  • Baron of Angels, 09/12/15 to 09/08/2018, 09/17/2022-09/2023
  • Armored Combat Marshal 09/2023 until present
  • Chatalaine 09/08/2018 - 09/17/2022, and 09/2023 until present


  • Constable, Altavia, 05/10/2008-05/20/2010
  • Youth Combat Marshal, Altavia, 05/10/2008-05/09/2015


Event Staff
