Fall Coronet Tournament 1975
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Gregory of York, fighting for Vivian Aurore de la Mer defeated Morven of Carrick to win the lists.
- Gregory and Vivian won the position of Prince-elect and Princess-elect
- Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani) was appointed Principality Chirurgeon
From the Crown Prints
This was reported in the August & September 1975 issues of The Crown Prints, the "frankly unofficial" newsletter of the Principality of Caid:
On 13 Sept., A.S. X, the Coronet Tourney was held at Tucker's Grove in the Barony of the Isles. It was a grey, misting morning as the pavillions were set up. According to the fighters, perfect fighting weather (tell that to the ladies with damp hems and cold toes!)
After opening court, Viscount Sir Christian, Principality Knight Marshall, briefed the fighters & reviewed the rules of the Lists. Immediately after the meeting, an assassination attempt was perpetrated against Fiona MacGregor; a contract arranged by a Calafian lady was carried out elaborately (& unfortunately, successfully!) by Daniel the Bard and Martin the Temperate. Fiona had been warned of the contract earlier & so left behind a note listing 4 people to avenge her. When this was read aloud over her body, one of her champions was discovered to be Martin himself! ("Make that three" came a voice from beyond). A warning to the Ladies of Caid from the shade of Fiona MacGregor Beware the fatal kisses of Martin the Temperate!!
The Coronet List begain with 2 elimination combats to reduce the number of fighters to 16. After lengthy and strenuous combat, the final 4 fighters were Baron Maihie McFergy, Martin the Temperate, Morven of Carrick and Gregory of York. The silence that settled on the field was an indication of the great attention that was paid by everyone to the day's fighting. At the end of the semi-finals, Morven of Carrick & Gregory of York were the remaining fighters.
Along with the serious fighting for the coronet of Caid, we saw some nonsense such as the challenge by Martin the Temperate against Morven because he was such a "Carrick-ter", one attack against the battlefield itself by Harsha Aditya because it had too often laid him flat & a return challenge by David the Ironlivered against Harsha for attacking an opponent when he was down! To allow time for the finalist to recover their strength, there ensued 2 bone-crunching melees between the "Temperance Union" & the "Rustoleum Gang" where the grunts and groans of the mass of dying fighters was truly glorious. One fighter who had not quite finished his death throes was done in dramatically when one of the larger Isles fighters fell over him!
Then the 2 finalists took the field for the last fight for the Coronet. In a best 2-out-of-3 combat, Gregory of York, Seneschal of Calafia, defeated Morven of Carrick to become the Prince-elect of Caid.
A Privy Council meeting was held after the Lists; coronets were chosen from submitted designs for Gregory and his lady Vivian. The winning design was by Quetzalochtzin (Alicia Austin) & will be executed by Lady Bjo of Griffin and Frances of Dragonsforge. It was decided that for newly appointed officers there would be a period of time for the populace to get to know them before their appointments became official. Their names will be presented to the Privy Council on nomination in order to inform the Council of the pending appointment. (ED. NOTE And a short bio could be placed in THE CROWN PRINTS to introduce appointees to the populace.)
Lady Bjo of Griffin was appointed Principality Chirurgeon & she will be recommending Deputies in each of the Baronies.
Edmund du Battlemont, Chancellor of the Principality Exchequer, reminded all that he must receive reports of all financial activities in Caid. Any Society activity that involved monetary transactions or expenditures should be written up & sent forward through normal channels.
At Closing Court, awards of arms were given to Sine of the Singing Hands (Jeannie Moberly), Jocelyn FitzHarry of Gillyflower (Joyce O'Dell) & John Trimara (Tremain) in the form of promissory notes made on the spot by Ioannes Leckie. Arabella Lyon de Rohese (Carlean Karnatz) was presented with an Order of the Leaf of Merit.
Amadea (Jean Schuck) presented Martin the Temperate with a pure, unadulterated (no nuts!) oatmeal cookie. Martin's reply (to be read a la Cookie Monster) "COOKIE!" Total mass of the cookie was estimated at approx. 5 kilograms, give or take a pound or two!
Gregory of York received his warrant as Seneschal of Calafia & Fiona MacGregor received hers as Deputy Principality Seneschale (her shade accepted for her!). The formation of the Western Branch of the Veterans of Foreign Wars was announced, to include all past and present subjects of the Kingdom of the West who have attended Pennsic Wars. (If you have about 3 hours & promise not to laugh, ask Charles of Dublin about the rain & the grasshoppers!)
The Insulters Guild, represented by Lady [K.] von Munchausen presented Martin the Temperate and James the Inconstant with a bottle of VERY fermented cider for the most "turkey" challenges of the day.
At the end of Court, Gregory of York and his lady Vivian were called before Prince Thomas the Merciless and Princess Elaine to receive their rosemary wreaths, officially designating them the incipient Prince and Princess of Caid. They will be crowned in Dreiburgen in November.
The Tourney ended, people repaired to various eating places recommended for the next time you are in Isles Pancho Villa's on Calle Real; good food, lots of it & very reasonable.
The Revel was at Martin the Temperate's & various sorts of entertainment were provided belly dancing, swimming (medieval & otherwise) & an impromptu sing-thing spurred on by the vigorous encouragement of William of Dover. Viscount Sir Christian and Baron Pwyll treated the assembled folk to what sounded like Old-Timer's Night at the Revel, with a misty-eyed rendition of something blue-grass (we think), As always, a good time was had by all!
--as reported by Lady Fiona MacGregor's ghost
- Please feel free to add your memories of this event.
(L-R front) Baron Talanque, TRH Thomas and Elaine, TRM-West Douglas Longshanks and Lorna of Leeds, Crown Prince and Princess Gregory and Vivian, Baron Waldt von Markheim. (L-R back) Ian MacAllister, Käthe Willig von Mainz, Cuillean Lodbrog Houndstooth, Matriana du Cameliard, Martin the Temperate, Baron Pwyll pen Tyrhon
More Information
- This event on The History of Caid website
- This event on The History of the Kingdom of the West website
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