Dun Or Anniversary 2010

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Location: Dun Or
Jane Reynolds Park

Lancaster, CA

Date: 10/2/2010

Dun Or anniversary and investiture.


From the Crown Prints

Event stewards: Duchess Faizeh al-Zarqa and Lady Khalida al-Khansa' - Lunch steward: Baroness Muiriath mac Labhruinn

Their Excellencies, Colyn and Muriath, Baron and Baroness of Dun Or have heirs. They wish to invite one and all to Dun Or's anniversary to witness Master Don Kelan and Arianwen McBride become our next Baron and Baroness

Come sharpen your fighting and A&S skills right before GWW at Dun Or's Baronial Investiture and Anniversary! Not a fighter? Try something different! You always come in your personna but have a desire to try out something different. Here is your chance! Come to Dun Or's Baronial Investiture and Anniversary October 2nd! Your A&S skills need some work? Enter the People's Choice Worst ever A&S event. Your prefer to be a support person through food? Bring that too! Come to Dun Or's Baronial Investiture and Anniversary October 2nd.

Dun Or will be offering a simple repast of sandwiches, chips and fruit to the population for a small suggested donation of $5 per lunch. A limited amount will be offered. If you would like to guarantee one, please email Baroness Muiriath at food@dunor.org to reserve one. Choices will be ham, turkey or roast beef.

There will be of course fighting for the baronial Heavies, Rapier, and A&S champions and our Baronial Bard. Rapier will be a Swiss 5. Heavies, similar to a few years ago, we will have a bear pit. Each win will earn you points. Overall winner will be the fighter with the most points.

Fighters, you can have the populace support you in our fundraiser! People can pledge a certain amount of money either per fight or a flat fee.

Your worst ever A&S project: please have a blurb saying: what it is and what you were trying to create
Your Best A&S project: this year's theme is eclectic. Please bring documentation.

Remember weather can be finicky out in the high desert. Be prepared for high temperatures, hopefully low humidity and of course, wind.

Schedule for the day:

Site opens (local): 8:00 am
Populace 9:00Am
Opening Court) 10 or at Their Majesties pleasure
Fighting, A&S, Bardic, and more fighting
Closing Court: 5pm


  • Leave your memories here.


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Events of Caid
Events: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s

Event Types: Tournament, War, Collegium, Revel, Court, Arts & Sciences Competition

Other Information: Results