Spring Tournament Dreiburgen 1999

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Location: Crossroads Riverview Park in Corona
Date: 05/01-02/1999

Spring Thing

Starting in 1996 the then incipient canton of Mons Draconis was granted the right to use Dreiburgen Spring Tournament as their anniversary

Event Staff

Autocrat – Finn Mathie

From the Crown Prints

Spring Thing in Mons Draconis

May 1 & 2 1999

The Canton of Mons Draconis sends unto the populace this invitation. This being Mons Draconis’ first anniversary as a canton, we will be hosting “Spring Thing Tourney” at Crossroads Riverview Park, 3333 River Road, Corona.

This is a two day event, camping is available. This site is a new, never-before-used site. This is a privately owned park. The area we have is on 5 acres and is grass-covered with many large trees for shade. The Canton will furnish drinking water, the water available is for non-drinking use. This is a wet site.


  • 8:00 am Site opens
  • 9:30 am Opening court
  • 10:00 am Archery & Rapier begin
  • 10:00 am War practice begins
  • 10:30 am Fighting starts
  • 5:00 pm Closing Court
  • After Dark Bardic Circle (Bring your dinner to a common area and sup and dine with your fellow kinsmen)


  • 8:00 am Site opens
  • 12:00 pm Closing Court
  • 3:00 pm Site closes

Heavy Weapons: The fighting will be of team melee style. Four (4) one man teams would be the best team size with no more than one (1) knight per team. Any team who can find an archer may have a five (5) men on their team. These teams will deal with five (5) planned scenarios which will be announced at the event. This is a great opportunity to get some practice for the May wars which are a scant 28 days away. Prizes awarded or should say, gained at the end of each scenario. The prize will be one (1) once of pure silver, per fighter, on surviving team per scenario (prepare to fight your way into the castle gates).

Kingdom War Practice: There will be a Kingdom War Practice held on Sunday, May 2,. Al fighters and archers are invited to attend.

Archery: There will be an archery tourney on Sunday. Information is pending. Contact Lord Carolus von Eulenhorst.

Rapier: There will be a rapier tourney held Sunday, information pending.

Arts Contest:

  1. Banner contest - Display your arms or an office of minimum size of 2 ft x 3 ft
  2. Period non-alcoholic Beverage - must submit recipe
  3. Best 2 liter bottle disguise
  4. On-site embroidery contest, contact Christina Ebenstein

Treasure Hunt: Details will be available at Opening Court.

Awards Given

Towers of Dreiburgen - Christina Ebenstein

Plague Rat Poem Contest Winner


by Rodhlann Ó Ceallacháin

I can't forget that fateful night, When I stood guard by dim firelight.
For the Ides of March were done, And great victories been won.
But unbeknownst to us, our King Had set great warning bells to ring
'Twas wise, as well, this royal plan To warn us, else we might have ran
From that plot to make us weak. Our first clue was a mighty squeak!
As the bells began to ring, We saw six-foot plague rats marching!
Their drummers playing an eerie beat, Accompanied by great clawed feet.
Through stricken by the ghostly sight, We drew our blades and moved to fight.
The horrid rats smiled at our ranks, And moved their knights to charge our flanks.
Their bow-rats cried inhuman calls, and hammered us with arrow falls.
With that strike, their force did charge- I'd never seen a rat so large!
The battle raged, for far too long. But how could we fight such a wrong?
Our doom was close, the end was near- When we heard a rousing cheer!
A single hero braved the horde- Scattered knights, slew their lord:
Our guard, at last, drove them away, And we saw who saved the day.
The hero who had slain the rat

Was in fact, the butcher's cat.

Plague Rat Poem Contest Entries


  • Leave your memories here.


Add photos if we have them

Photos on the Mons Draconis web site

More Information

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Spring Tournament Dreiburgen 1998 Spring Tournament Dreiburgen 2000

Events 1999

Events of Caid
Events: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s

Event Types: Tournament, War, Collegium, Revel, Court, Arts & Sciences Competition

Other Information: Results