Queen's Champion Archery Summer 2014

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On 31 May 2014 (AS IL) the subject throw was held concurrent with the “almost” Queen’s target archery championships at Baldwins Keep in Naevehjem. The weather was a bit warm, clear ad sunny, and only moderately breezy (for these parts ;-) and I was ably assisted in marshalling and scoring by RMIT's Captain Gregory Morgan from Naevehjem and Tessa from Gyldenholt. Lady Caid’s Thrown Weapons Champion for her reign is THL Nikolaos Phaistios.

The throw was the Caidan TW Royal Round (15 each knives and axes at 10+ feet; 15 spears at 15+ feet). The spear targets were hand-painted poster board, glued onto cardboard, and used the TWIC ring diameters: 3, 8 and 14 inches. <http://towerr.com/twicrules.htm> The hard targets for knives and axes had TWIC rings painted directly on the wooden rounds. All targets were scored 5, 3 and 1 points,

James of the Lake, TWSRM

Thrower Territory Knives Total Axes Total Spears Total Overall
Gregory Morgan Naevehjem 10 35 22 67
Sierra Powell Naevehjem Did not throw (for score)
Cormac Mor Angels 19 18 8 45
Cadan Sacart Naevehjem Did not throw (for score)
Ben Fernaugh Naevehjem 1 37 19 57
Nikolaos Phaistios Altavia 25 55 21 101 High axes; Queen’s Champion!
Cecilia Medici Altavia 33 34 12 80 High knives.
Jon Thomme de Claydon Lyondemere 9 17 11 37
Cristofanus Castellani Altavia Did not throw (for score)
Ihon MacLucas Carrig Wen 16 13 21 50
Greylond Winter Naevehjem 0 28 16 44
Lorissa du Griffin Altavia 3 7 9 19
Brynjólfr Brandsson Gyldenholt 29 26 22 77
Dyrfinna Drengsdottir Gyldenholt 14 20 2 36
Tessa Gyldenholt Did not throw (for score)
William Ulfsson Angels 6 13 0 19
Paganus Grimlove Dreiburgen 15 35 26 76 High spears.
Kelsey Altavia 9 4 3 16
Freidrich Gyldenholt 18 18
William of Newcastle Naevehjem 20 22 7 49
Wulfwyn Naevehjem 6 17 23 37
Patrick of Lyondemere Lyondemere Did not throw (for score)
Da'ud ibn Ma'bad al-Wadi Wintermist 13 17 23 53  
Iona of Lyondemere Lyondemere 0 13 0 13
Aelfhild of Dreiburgen Dreiburgen 0 6 8 4
Rayne Archer of Annan Angels Did not throw (for score)
Prince Agrippa Morris Caid Did not throw (for score)