Morgan Fellwalker

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Morgan Fellwalker 1996.jpg
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Preferred title: Not specified
Their Pronouns: Not specified
Resides: Dreiburgen
Status: Deceased
Awards: Visit the Caid Order of Precedence
Per fess wavy sable and barry wavy argent and azure, a mermaid erect to dexter proper, armored and maintaining a crossbow argent.
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THLady Morgan Fellwalker was admitted to the Order of the Crescent on 10/28/2000 by TRM Guillaume and Felinah.

Morgan was well-known in the archery community for her crossbows and for developing the Fellwalker Bolt accepted across the SCA. She was also one of the founders of the Royal Crescent Navy (Guild). She was active in the Barony of Calafia before moving to Dreiburgen. She was also a fine artist & illustrator, and helped Caid enter the digital age.

She passed on on March 14, 2024 from complications of surgery.


  • Also known as Morgan of Calafia and Morgan the Fellwalker


Offices & Positions

Event Staff

Classes Taught

Projects & Publications


  • Archery – IKCAC-2001: Crossbow



Eadwynne of Runedun

[[Rahne Fellwalker[[ has just informed me that her mother, known in the SCA as Morgan (the) Fellwalker has passed as of yesterday, March 14th [2024] due to complications of surgery.

Morgan was well-known in the archery community for her crossbows and for developing the Fellwalker Bolt accepted across the SCA. She was also one of the founders of the Royal Crescent Navy (Guild). She was active in the Barony of Calafia before moving to Dreiburgen.

{ Royal Navy of Caid (Unofficial)]