Gallavally Anniversary 2007

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Baron Malcolm recives a Corde de Guerre from Edric IV and Faizah
Location: Gallavally
Spring Creek Training Center in Hemet
Date: 04/06-08/2007

Event Staff

Royal Presents

Their Majesties Edric IV and Faizah

From the Crown Prints

Gallavally Anniversary and Camp-out
April 6-8, 2007

Come join us for a relaxing weekend as we celebrate our Cantonial anniversary. We will be having a casual weekend campout at the estate of Master Damales Redbeard.

The site will open at 2pm Friday, April 6 and continue till noon Sunday, April 8. We will have a variety of fighting activities; Melee & Lists. There will also be equestrian activities.

The canton will be sponsoring a breakfast Saturday and Sunday mornings and a feast Saturday night.

There will be revelry and song around our bonfire Saturday night.



  • 2:00 pm Site Opens


  • 7:00 am to 9am Breakfast is Served
  • 9:00 am Lists Opens
  • 10:00 pm Opening Court
  • 11:00 Fighting Begins
  • 5:00 pm Closing Court
  • 6:00 pm Dinner is Served


  • 7:00 am Continental Breakfast served
  • 12:00 noon Site Closes

FIRE POLICY: The site is very dry so no open fires will be allowed. There will be one large communal bonfire. Enclosed candles are allowed. Each tent must have a fire extinguisher.

Merchants are welcome. There is no additional Merchant Fee.

Awards Given


  • Leave your memories here.

Baron Malcolm Alberic

What I will never forget about this event was helping Master Damales in the week before, prepare the event field for this event. It had been a dry year and the field was not as green as we had hoped for so after mowing and clearing, dust control was the concern. We spent a lot of time dragging fire hoses moving sprinklers and pulling the Water Dog (a 500 gallon water trailer) in order to get the site wet enough to not be dusty but dry enough to not be muddy.


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Gallavally Anniversary 2006 Gallavally Anniversary 2008

Events 2007

Events of Caid
Events: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s

Event Types: Tournament, War, Collegium, Revel, Court, Arts & Sciences Competition

Other Information: Results