Dreiburgen Yule 2018

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Location: Dreiburgen
McCallum Masonic Center
Date: 12/01/2018

Sat, December 1, 2018, 3pm – 8pm


Event Staff

Event/Feast Stewards: Mistress Aldgytha of Ashwood and Master Alesone Gray of Cranlegh


Competitors in the Bardic Competition

From Agnes Wurtman, Baronial Arts and Science officer:

This year's Bard of Dreiburgen competition had a range of ambitious storytelling and singing performances that included material in Latin. Every one of our five entrants gave a strong showing. The competitors were: Corwin Bludravn, Ívarr Sigurðarson, Duncan MacBryce, Brénainn Frēobeorn, and Serafina de Zati

In addition to our competing bards, outgoing champion Arnleif Oladottir performed an original filk and Eadwynne of Runedun entertained the populace during vote counting.

This year's competitive performances were all so good that the difference between the least popular and the winning performance was only four votes. To those who competed this year for the first time or who have tried several times without taking the prize, do return because each of you have the talent and the presence to become a future champion.

We can, however, name only one Bard of Dreiburgen this year. Congratulations to Ívarr Sigurðarson our new baronial champion. Please do Dreiburgen proud with frequent performances during your year as our bard.

Congratulations to Yngvildr in írska, Dreiburgen's new Games Champion! Special thanks to Bartholomew Gwaltrudd O'Cullaighne for running the competition, and to all the people who competed in last evening's games. Special thanks to Rosalind O'Malley, the leatherworking artist who made Dreiburgen's bardic book the finest in Caid and who assisted in the presentation. Also a shout out to Genevieve de la Marre who made all our baronial arts champion medallions.

From the Crown Prints

Please join the Barony of Dreiburgen as we celebrate Yuletide. In honor of their Excellencies Logan and Tyna, the theme of the day will be Elizabethan. In addition to good food and company, there will be competitions for bardic arts, games, as well as a table decorating competition.

Location: McCallum Masonic Center, 6785 Palm Ave, Riverside, CA 92506.This is a wet site, but please drink responsibly.

Registration information: Adults: $15.00, adult members: $10.00, off-board $5.00; 17 and under: guests of the Barony. Please make checks payable to SCA, Inc./Barony of Dreiburgen.

Schedule: 3:00-3:30: Doors open & set-up 5:00-7:30: Feast, bardic/game competitions 8:00: Hall closes and we must be off-site

Bards are encouraged to prepare their best pieces, share them with the populace, and enter the competition if they are prepared to serve as Bard of Dreiburgen. For more information, please contact the current Bard of Dreiburgen, Lady Arnleif Oladottir

Everyone is encouraged to bring games to become the Games Champion of Dreiburgen. For more information, please contact the current Dreiburgen Games Champion, Lord Bartholomew Gwaltrudd O'Cullaighne.

An Elizabethan feast will be served, menu forthcoming, along with complete ingredient lists. Those with allergies or dietary restrictions are welcome to contact the Feast Stewards in advance, an ingredient lists with common dietary restrictions will be available on site.


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