Voyager's Mayday Tournament 2010

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Location: Voyagers
Tournament Park on the Caltech Campus
Date: 5/1/2010

Baroness Flavia and the Kingdom of Caid gathered at Tournament Park to celebrate May Day (actually on the first of May!)

Her Excellency was joined for opening court by Baroness Meliora of Altavia and, for closing court, Baron Secca as well. (Baron John was unable to attend)

Sir Mons von Goarshausen won the armored combat list and Lord Nathaniel Longbow won the rapier list. Mistress Aliskye MacKyven Raizel won the Arts and Sciences competition.

From the Crown Prints

Put on your finery and bring out your colorful plumage in celebration of spring. The College of the Voyagers and the Barony of Angels invite you to join them in the annual May Day celebration. We will have a day of fighting, games, and the traditional maypole dance! Bring your latest projects for the annual Arts & Sciences people’s choice.

In conjunction with May Day will be Kingdom Sciences Day.

The infamous Voyagers maypole will make its appearance for the traditional dance. After the dance, we will pass the maypole to a new couple so it can continue its work. See who the lucky recipients for the upcoming year will be!


From Lachlan of Cromarty

  • This was a great event in a great park! As a parent, I almost wish all events were held there. It's almost entirely enclosed, and has a playground well within sight of the whole park - easy entertainment for the children. Though Cassandre and I had both kids with us, she was able to fight (making it to finals, I might add) and I was able to join the scriptorium. All four of us had a good time!
  • At opening court, Lord Luke of Caerleon, long-time-Voyager-now-"abroad", sent a very nice letter wishing everyone a fun time. Thank you, Luke.
  • At closing court, Seraph Pursuivant Cormac Mór had us call long life to Their Majesties, Their Highnesses, Their Excellencies of Angels, Their Excellencies of Altavia, Altavia, Angels and Caid! >phew!< Still, I feel like we forgot someplace... ;)
  • I gather that Diego and Elisheva took home the May Pole this year. Best of luck to them!


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Events of Caid
Events: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s

Event Types: Tournament, War, Collegium, Revel, Court, Arts & Sciences Competition

Other Information: Results