Altavia Showcase Raffle 2016

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Altavia Showcase Raffle 2016
Location: Altavia
Date: 05/14/2016

A special "Showcase Raffle" with exceptional and hand-crafted items will be held at Altavia Anniversary 2016.

Event Staff

Raffle Items & Donor Info

Item Donated by Click on photo for better view
1: Painted Banner Promissory
She will work with the winner in designing a banner (25 inches x 25 inches), a standard (2 feet x 4 feet long), or a gonfalone (24 inches x 36 inches).
THL Fu Ching Lan FuBannerPromissory.jpg
2 & 3: Set of 12 Customized Thread-Wrapped Buttons Promissory:
This style of button was common in all areas of Europe from approx 1550 on,and they are documentable, documentation is available if requested. Four Styles and two sizes are available. To provide the best color matching I am asking you to provide the thread color(s) you prefer.
2 promissories will be raffled off !!
Lady Maile Fergusson ButtonsPromissory.jpg
4: Painted Silk Fan Promissory:
She will personally hand-paint your device onto a lovely silk fan. Based on a graphic file or paper copy you provide of heraldic device.
Countess Bridget Lucia Mackenzie PaintedFanPromissory.jpg
5: Hand Stitched Reliquary Pouch Promissory:
One 5x5 German brick stitch embroidered reliquary pouch in the winner's choice of colors and pattern.
Lady Ylaria Thriepland PouchPromissory.jpg
6: Handmade Tunic Promissory:
She will provide fabric and trim in the colors preferred by the winner and make a handmade tunic similar to the photo.
Baroness Meliora Deverel TunicPromissory.jpg
7: Handmade Jewelry Set:
Necklace and Earring set made by Altavia's Baroness.
Baroness Cecilia Medici Raffle-Jewelry.jpg
8: Custom Video Promissory:
He will make a custom video for the winner ... he'll choose the video length, and winner chooses the who, what, when and where. The style (documentary, "short film", performance filming, or other) is up to the winner.
An example of his SCA video work can be found at:
Agmundr Thotolfsson VideoPromissory.jpg
9: Handmade Pottery:
A chaffing dish: Coals are placed into the bowl and a cook pot goes on top of that. Based off an English medieval example.
A cheese mold which strains the whey away from cheese curds. Based on a Roman cheese mold around 500bc
Baroness Asakura no Mashime Raffle-Pottery.jpg
10: Custom Pattern Promissory:
She will create a custom PATTERN based on a portrait or existing garment. Photos show examples of her past pattern work.
Lady Elizabeth Upton PatternPromissory.jpg
11: Original Artwork:
Five paintings commissioned by Mistress Huette Aliza von und zu Ährens und Mechthildberg and created by Lady Sarah Telyn.
They are cartoon representations of Damon of the Lake that Flames and Mistral de l'Isle sur Tarn (former Baron and Baroness of The Angels, and their children.
THL Sarah Telyn Raffle-Art.jpg
12: Lighting Collection:
A collection of candle holders and other glassware.
THL Selewynn Beltran & THL Sarah Telyn Raffle-LightingCollection.jpg
13: Scribal Basket:
A basket of scribal supplies.
Baroness Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani
14: Handmade Jewelry:
No details yet ... but it will be lovely!
Lady Muirgein ingen Ailella
15: Embroidery:
Cross stitch and beaded piece ready for framing or to be made into a pillow. Outside dimensions: 18'x30' Pattern dimensions: 11" x 16". Executed in Cross Stitch with Beading.
16: Cold Steel Throwing Knife:
An SCA approved Cold Stone Throwing Knife
Baroness Cecilia Medici
17: Archery Arm Guard:
An archery arm guard made by Baroness Cecilia, Baron Cristofanus Castellani, and THL Nickolaus [Niko] Phaistos
Baroness Cecilia Medici
18: Caid Cross Scarf:
Soft knit Caid Cross scarf 7" x 72".
Brother D Raffle-Scarf.jpg
19: Carved Spinning Set:
A Drop Spindle, with carved top whorl.
A Spinning Journal, notebook with a wood cover carved with the 3 Norns and "Spinning Journal" 5.75" x 8.5".
Brother D Raffle-Spinning.jpg
20: Handmade Necklace:
A handmade necklace donated by the Country Countess!
Countess Albra Katerine Marie Isabelle Bautiste
21: Handmade Earrings:
Handmade earrings, with some vintage, glass, pearls, and other goodies!
Lin Rhys
22: Handmade Needles Promissory:
3 Handmade Needles (Bone, antler, and/or metal)
Sir Thorin vorðr Ó Séaghdha Needle-Promissory.jpg
23: Knitting Basket:
A basket of natural yarns and knitting needles.
Yarn: 2 skeins of Peace Fleece blue wool, 1 skein of sari silk, 1 skein of grey mohair, approx 2 skeins of mixed mohair and worsted, and a skein of lavender wool.
Needles: Size 9 & 11 needles, and size 6 & 8 double point needles.
Lady Melisande McBride Raffle-YarnBasket.jpg
24: Handmade Pouch:
A hand sewn wrist purse in the colors of Altavia
Lady Sárnat ingen meic Caille
25: A Bear in a Chair:
The Teddy Bear is a 20" Plush Gerber Tender Loving Care bear.
The Chair is made of sturdy wood. It's not big enough for a child to sit in, but perfect for this adorable bear!
Baroness Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani Raffle-Bear-Chair.jpg


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