Angels Anniversary 2014

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Location: Kuns Park, La Verne, CA
Date: 9/14/2013

Angels Anniversary 2014

Baron Peter Cadarn and Baroness Gabrielle nicChlurain invite all to join in celebrating the Barony of Angels’ 44th Anniversary as we look “beyond graciousness and loyalty to honor and giving” and give back to the community that supports us. As part of our theme, Noblesse Oblige, the Barony will be sponsoring a food drive for the local Food Bank (Inland Empire Hope Partners). We will ask all attending to help us by bringing items for the food drive. We also encourage you to wear garb, jewelry, belts, etc. that have been given to you as gifts to honor those who have gifted you. We also encourage all fighters - armored, unarmored and rapier - to chose a consort "for the day" and to wear a token to honor your consort while you are fighting. If you need suggestions, please contact Baroness Gabrielle.

Lady Ysenda MacLaren of Perthshire organized a food drive to support the Inland Valley Hope Partners. Contributors will receive 1 raffle ticket, up to 5 per person, for food donations. Lady Selewynn Beltran ran the Food Drive at the event.

Event Staff


Their Majesties Agrippa and Bridget and Their Highnesses Mansur and Eilidh received Great Western War survival bags which included thank you cards crafted by THL Fu Ching Lan and copies of The Seraph, Angels newsletter published by co-Chroniclers Maestra Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani and THL Fu Ching Lan.

  • The Right Noble Brewers' Guild hosted a snow cone booth to support the Royal Travel Fund
  • The new baronial thrones, crafted by Stephen Hanlan (woodworking) and Lord Santiago of the Angels (aka Ryuusaki Raiden) (leatherworking), were debuted. These were part of the regalia refurbishment project undertaken by THL Fu Ching Lan.



  • Hester Spoon (Thyme): SCA-period: Baroness Rutilia Fausta for Sa'tariyya (a chicken and thyme dish from The Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook) and Non-SCA period: Lady Rayne Archer of Annan for Mushroom, Walnut and Thyme Cheesecake
  • Arts & Sciences:


More Information

There are two FB pages for this event:

  • Angels Anniversary (hosted by Lady Fu Ching Lan, the co-Webwright for Angels)
  • Angels Anniversary 2014 (hosted by the Kingdom of Caid)


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Events of Caid
Events: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s

Event Types: Tournament, War, Collegium, Revel, Court, Arts & Sciences Competition

Other Information: Results