Dreiburgen Irregulars

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The Dreiburgen Irregulars await the next battle on the fields of Potrero
Founded: A.S. XXXIX
Status: To be determined
the Irregulars could wear the badge of Dreiburgen like any other subject of the barony


Dreiburgen was involved in War since at least the Caid Atenveldt War 1978, headed by Baron Sir Waldt von Markheim. Later, Dreiburgen made various attempts at creating a Dreiburgen Levy or War Band. These groups were usually made up of households within the Barony who harkened to the call of War. These units were called by many names, the first being simply, "The Dreiburgen Levy." Another name was "The White Tower." While Dreiburgen was part of the Vth Brigade, we had knights and their households living within the Barony, but they tended to fight as their own units, attaching themselves to the army as need be. Because of this, Baron Malcolm of Dreiburgen founded the "Dreiburgen Irregulars" so that those not associated with the knights and their households might have a banner to fight under. If you look up SCA Stories, you will find many Jests recorded by Baron Malcolm of many War time adventures of the Dreiburgen Irregulars.

There was a short time when the War Band of Dreiburgen was called, The Smurfs From Hell. The Baronial Seneschal, Aldred was tasked to acquire appropriate blue cloth to make tabards for the Dreiburgen War Band. He came back with a considerable quantity of Baby-blue cloth that he got at a "really good price." We fighters almost wept. But tabards were made. And we wore them. Marching to the field, there were jeers and laughter coming from all sides, "Look, it's Smurfs." This "put us in a mood." We fought like baby-blue demons, and so we earned the name, "Smurfs from Hell." We actually sang out the Smurf song as our battle cry, "La, La, La-la-la-la!!!" This unit lasted until the Dreiburgen Levy was absorbed into the Vth Brigade, whose Phoenix enflamed heraldry earned us the name, "Los Pollos Locos." ~ Eadwynne of Runedun aka Bloodaxe Smurf.


To have a Baronial Unit and to provide a group for unattached fighters to play with.


The Military term Irregulars can be used to describe any nonstandard unit of soldiers. In the case of the Dreiburgen Irregulars it means that it is a volunteer unit with no service commitment required. Fighters may join or leave as their willingness and desire to serve Dreiburgen permits. Many feel that going out alone on a war field is no fun. However SCA history is full of stories about the trials and tribulations of joining the wrong war band. With The Irregulars being a noncommittal volunteer unit, fighters can play with us with no fear of most of those political problems.



In period many combat units would make a banner specifically for that campaign. Then at the end of the campaign the banner would be torn up and divided among the men of the unit. These fighters would typically tie these scraps to their belts to show that they were part of that campaign and you could tell by looking at this soldiers belts how many campaigns they had been in. This is where the modern tradition of campaign ribbons comes from.

The Dreiburgen Irregulars follows this period tradition. A new banner is made for every war painted with the towers of the barony and sometimes the tails carry the badges of other units that have attach to the Irregulars or that the Irregulars have attached to Fifth Brigade and Caidan Royal Artillery Corps. At the end of the War the banner is torn up and divided up among all who fought under it along with some baronial coin.

Standing Orders

Be chivalrous and have fun with in the SCA rules of combat.


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More Information

Read the exploits of The Dreiburgen Irregulars