Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme: Difference between revisions

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(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|Augmentation of Arms
|Augmentation of Arms
| [[Aliskye Rosel]]
| [[Aliskye Rosel]]
To all and singuler aswell nobles and gentils as others unto whome these presentes shall come, We, Patrick and Kara, by righte and by lawe Kinge and Quene of Caid, sende greetinge and benison.  Wheras aunciently from the beginninge the vertuouse actes of worthy personnes have ben commendid to the worlde with sondrey monumentes and remembrances of their goode deseartes, amongest which the chiefist hath ben the bearinge of signes and tokens in shieldes called Armes, beinge evident demonstracions and testimonies of skille and valiauncy; and furthermore that personnes of especiall merit who have done exemplary service to their Prince and country are deservinge of particullar renoune, that others myght be the more inspirid to like vertue; and recognisinge that Aliskye Rosel is knowne to Us not only by Our owne knowlledge but by the reporte of Our consellours and populace to have labourid unstintingly and with greate joye to the better enrichemente of Our Realme of Caid, We are pleasid to graunt her an Augmentation to her Arms.  We confirme and ratify her sole righte to beare Argent, a rose sable barbed and seeded proper, on a chief nebuly azure .iii. mullets of .vi. points argent; and that all may knowe the esteme in which We holde her, by these presentes We graunt her for augmentation the center mullet replaced with .iv. crescents conjoined in saltire horns outward argent, as is more lively depictid in the margent; and she may beare these emblemes of her honor now and to the ende of her dayes.  Done by Our Hande and Seale in Our Barony of Dreiburgen at the Feaste of Twelfth-Night, Anno Societatis .xliv. which is the .ix. day of January in the yere .mmx. of the common era.
| [[File: Coronation summer 2021 9a.jpg‎|100px]]
| [[File: Coronation summer 2021 9a.jpg‎|100px]]
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| Court Barony
| Court Barony
| [[Ghislaine d'Auxerre]]
| [[Ghislaine d'Auxerre]]
Wir Ivan und Ciar Lasse, Herrscher über die Reiche zu Caiden, König und Königin zu Calafien, zu Gyldenholten, zu den Angelen, zu Lyondemeren, zu Dreiburgen, zu Starkhafn, zu Nävehjemen, zu Nordwachen, zu Dun Or, zu Winternebelen, zu Altavien, und zu den Westlichen Meeren, grüßen euch.  Es ist unsere königliche Vorrecht, diejenigen zu ehren, deren Wohltaten und edles Auftreten uns gefallen haben.  Deshalb wir bekennen öffentlich mit diesem Brief und tun kund allermenniglichen nach, daß wir hiermit unsere gute Untertanin Ghislaine Triest, Delphinheroldin und Mondsichelkompanin, in den Rang einer Hofbaronin adeln, weil sie ist ein Schatz unseres Reiches ist.  Wir bestätigen hiermit ihr Recht, folgendes Wappen zu führen:  Schräggeteilt von Blau und Silber mit Kompaßstern in verwechselten Tinktur.  Ebenso gewähren wir das Privileg, dies mit einer Baronskrone zu ergänzen, dieses Privileg kann sie bis an ihr Lebensende genießen.  Durch unsere Hand und Siegel am neunzehnten November A.S. XXXV das heißt MM n. Chr.
| [[Image:Ghislaine-d'-Auxerre Court Barony Illumination Bruce-Draconarius-of-Mistholme Calligraphy Thomas-Brownwell Detail.jpg|100px]]‎  
| [[Image:Ghislaine-d'-Auxerre Court Barony Illumination Bruce-Draconarius-of-Mistholme Calligraphy Thomas-Brownwell Detail.jpg|100px]]‎  
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| Laurel
| Laurel
| [[Ariana verch Gwenllian]]
| [[Ariana verch Gwenllian]]
To all maner people these present lettres seyng or heryng, We Valrik and Drada by righte 7 by lawe Kynge 7 Quene of the Souerayne Realme of Caid sende goode greeting.  Forasmuch as the noble artes of Herauldrie haue ben practisid since auncient dayes when signes 7 tokens of honour callid Armes were first grauntid by Alexandre the greate to those of meritte and renoune, which example Kynges 7 Princes of succedyng ages haue ensued; and demyng that those who spend their dayes enlargyng the Herauldes artes are themselues worthy of recognicon 7 renoune that others myght be the more inspirid to artistrie 7 study; 7 hauing taken conseill with the Order 7 of Our own knowllege recognisyng her skill 7 noble deportmente; therfor by these Lettres Patent do We here eleuate Our true and belouid subiect Ariana verch Gwenllian to the most noble Order of the Laurel of the Societie for Creatiue Anachronism.  We hereby confirme her sole ryght to bere the Armes Argent, a pile bendwise Or; 7 that she may be knowne admittid 7 welcomid into the compagnie of her Peers, We hereby graunte her the priuilege of displayng in whole or in parte the acheuemente propre to the Order:  scilicet a wrethe of laurel vert, with a siluer heaume mantelid Or dowbelid argent; and these Armes and tokyns of her honour and station are hers to haue to holde 7 to reioyce to her goode worshippe now 7 foreuermore.  In witnesse of which to these Lettres Patent We haue set Our Seale of armes 7 Signe manuell this xxixth daye of Maye in the yere lvij of the Societie beyng the yere mmxxij of the Gregorian era.
| [[Image:Brucedraconariusofmistholme10.jpg|100px]]‎  
| [[Image:Brucedraconariusofmistholme10.jpg|100px]]‎  
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| [[File:Philippa-Llewelyn-Schulyer Laurel Bruce-Draconarious-of-Mistholme.jpg|100px]]‎  
| [[File:Philippa-Llewelyn-Schulyer Laurel Bruce-Draconarious-of-Mistholme.jpg|100px]]‎  
| Laurel
| Laurel
| [[Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler]]
| [[File:Philippa-Llewelyn-Schulyer Laurel Bruce-Draconarious-of-Mistholme Detail.jpg|100px]]‎
| Detail of Laurel
| [[Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler]]
| [[Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler]]
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| Lux Caidis
| Lux Caidis
| [[Bérengère Marguerite Madeline d'Acre]]  
| [[Bérengère Marguerite Madeline d'Acre]]  
À tous presens et advenir qui ces presentes lettres verront ou orront, Joseph et Caroline, Roy et Reyne de Caid, saluz.  Pour son excellence dans lart de la danse, Nous elevons Notre sujette fidelle Bérengère Marguerite Madeline d’Acre à lordre de la Lumiere de Caid.  Par ce brevet Nous lui confirmons larmoirie De geules au lyon endormi contourne dor et ung chef unde dargent, avec linsigne de lordre entourant lescu.  Fait par Notre main le xxesme jour de Septembre, AS xxxij aultrement dit AD mcmxcvij.
| [[File:Berengere-Marguerite-Madeline-d'Acre Lux-Caidis Bruce-Draconarius-of-Mistholme detail2.jpg ‎|100px]]
| [[File:Berengere-Marguerite-Madeline-d'Acre Lux-Caidis Bruce-Draconarius-of-Mistholme detail2.jpg ‎|100px]]
| Lux Caidis (detail)
| Detail of Lux Caidis
| [[Bérengère Marguerite Madeline d'Acre]]  
| [[Bérengère Marguerite Madeline d'Acre]]  
| [[File:Berengere-Marguerite-Madeline-d'Acre Lux-Caidis Bruce-Draconarius-of-Mistholme detail1.jpg ‎|100px]]
| [[File:Berengere-Marguerite-Madeline-d'Acre Lux-Caidis Bruce-Draconarius-of-Mistholme detail1.jpg ‎|100px]]
| Lux Caidis (detail)
| Detail of Lux Caidis
| [[Bérengère Marguerite Madeline d'Acre]]  
| [[Bérengère Marguerite Madeline d'Acre]]  
Line 206: Line 214:
| Lux Caidis
| Lux Caidis
| [[Megan de Barri]]  
| [[Megan de Barri]]  
Cognoscatur Nos Edricum et Albram, Regem et Reginam Caidis, hoc modo tollere civem Nostram delectam Megan de Barri ad Ordinem Lucem Caidis, cognitione peritiorum eius de metallarius.  Hoc donatione ei asserveramus ius proprium ut haec arma ferat:  Scutum de argenteo, monstrum cum anteriora caninus tricipitis nigris et posteriora maris leonis virides intra bordura nigra.  Ulteriore cognitione, ei tribuimus privilegium demonstrandi adeptionem, signum huius Ordinis:  bullam caeruleam ferentem solem argenteum orientem ex nubibus intra bordura turritum, cum casside ferreo et mantello nigro duplicato argenteo infra pictum.  His testibus subscripsimus manibus et sigilis Nostris hac die XXI mensis Septembris, Anno Societatis XXXI id est Anno Domini MCMXCVI
| [[File:Megan-de-Barri Lux-Caidis Bruce-Draconarius-of-Mistholme detail.JPG ‎|100px]]
| [[File:Megan-de-Barri Lux-Caidis Bruce-Draconarius-of-Mistholme detail.JPG ‎|100px]]
| Lux Caidis (detail)
| Detail of Lux Caidis
| [[Megan de Barri]]  
| [[Megan de Barri]]  

Latest revision as of 15:22, 7 October 2024

Preferred title: Baron
Their Pronouns: he/him/they/them
Resides: Darach
Status: Active
Awards: Visit the Caid Order of Precedence
Azure, on a chief embattled argent a dragon couchant azure winged sable, as an augmentation the dragon maintaining between its forefeet an escutcheon azure charged with a cross of Caid argent. Motto: "I know whereof I speak"
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Baron Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme, OL, OP, Batonvert Herald Extraordinary. He has studied and practiced the heraldic arts since joining the Society in Caid. For his service, he was elevated to the Order of the Pelican by TRM Guy and Troy at their final court; for the practice of his heraldic art and the sharing of his heraldic studies, he was elevated to the Order of the Laurel by TRM Brion and Alysandra at their final court.

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Projects & Publications


A Pictorial Dictionary of Charges with Akagawa Yoshio

The Compleat Anachronist

Illustrator of:

External Links

  • Mistholme, where Bruce keeps the Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry, as well as other heraldic projects


Image Preview Award Recipient
Coronation summer 2021 9.jpg Augmentation of Arms Aliskye Rosel

To all and singuler aswell nobles and gentils as others unto whome these presentes shall come, We, Patrick and Kara, by righte and by lawe Kinge and Quene of Caid, sende greetinge and benison. Wheras aunciently from the beginninge the vertuouse actes of worthy personnes have ben commendid to the worlde with sondrey monumentes and remembrances of their goode deseartes, amongest which the chiefist hath ben the bearinge of signes and tokens in shieldes called Armes, beinge evident demonstracions and testimonies of skille and valiauncy; and furthermore that personnes of especiall merit who have done exemplary service to their Prince and country are deservinge of particullar renoune, that others myght be the more inspirid to like vertue; and recognisinge that Aliskye Rosel is knowne to Us not only by Our owne knowlledge but by the reporte of Our consellours and populace to have labourid unstintingly and with greate joye to the better enrichemente of Our Realme of Caid, We are pleasid to graunt her an Augmentation to her Arms. We confirme and ratify her sole righte to beare Argent, a rose sable barbed and seeded proper, on a chief nebuly azure .iii. mullets of .vi. points argent; and that all may knowe the esteme in which We holde her, by these presentes We graunt her for augmentation the center mullet replaced with .iv. crescents conjoined in saltire horns outward argent, as is more lively depictid in the margent; and she may beare these emblemes of her honor now and to the ende of her dayes. Done by Our Hande and Seale in Our Barony of Dreiburgen at the Feaste of Twelfth-Night, Anno Societatis .xliv. which is the .ix. day of January in the yere .mmx. of the common era.

Coronation summer 2021 9a.jpg Detail of Augmentation of Arms Aliskye Rosel
Coronation summer 2021 9b.jpg Detail of Augmentation of Arms Aliskye Rosel
Coronation summer 2021 9c.jpg Detail of Augmentation of Arms Aliskye Rosel
Brucedraconariusofmistholme1.jpg Award of Arms Adrian Buchanon
Brucedraconariusofmistholme5.jpg Award of Arms Alaric Erskin
Brucedraconariusofmistholme4.jpg Award of Arms Astra Christiana Benedict
Coronation Winter 2013 036.JPG Award of Arms Balthazar van der Brugghe
Coronation Winter 2013 038.JPG Detail of Award of Arms Balthazar van der Brugghe
Jayme O'Darcy aoa.jpg Award of Arms Jayme O'Darcy of Glen Laurie
Brucedraconariusofmistholme8.jpg Award of Arms Karl Tynken
Brucedraconariusofmistholme2.jpg Award of Arms Antonia Leonora Dragonsrun de Beaumont formerly Leonora Dragonsrun
Scriptorum1.JPG Award of Arms Peter of the Golden Isles
Brucedraconariusofmistholme3.jpg Award of Arms Renata Kestryl of Highwynds
Brucedraconariusofmistholme18.jpg County Guy de Coldrake
Brucedraconariusofmistholme7.jpg County Isabel Antonia de Aranjuez
Brucedraconariusofmistholme17.jpg County Troy of Nodham Whyre
Ghislaine-d'-Auxerre Court Barony Illumination Bruce-Draconarius-of-Mistholme Calligraphy Thomas-Brownwell.jpg Court Barony Ghislaine d'Auxerre

Wir Ivan und Ciar Lasse, Herrscher über die Reiche zu Caiden, König und Königin zu Calafien, zu Gyldenholten, zu den Angelen, zu Lyondemeren, zu Dreiburgen, zu Starkhafn, zu Nävehjemen, zu Nordwachen, zu Dun Or, zu Winternebelen, zu Altavien, und zu den Westlichen Meeren, grüßen euch. Es ist unsere königliche Vorrecht, diejenigen zu ehren, deren Wohltaten und edles Auftreten uns gefallen haben. Deshalb wir bekennen öffentlich mit diesem Brief und tun kund allermenniglichen nach, daß wir hiermit unsere gute Untertanin Ghislaine Triest, Delphinheroldin und Mondsichelkompanin, in den Rang einer Hofbaronin adeln, weil sie ist ein Schatz unseres Reiches ist. Wir bestätigen hiermit ihr Recht, folgendes Wappen zu führen: Schräggeteilt von Blau und Silber mit Kompaßstern in verwechselten Tinktur. Ebenso gewähren wir das Privileg, dies mit einer Baronskrone zu ergänzen, dieses Privileg kann sie bis an ihr Lebensende genießen. Durch unsere Hand und Siegel am neunzehnten November A.S. XXXV das heißt MM n. Chr.

Ghislaine-d'-Auxerre Court Barony Illumination Bruce-Draconarius-of-Mistholme Calligraphy Thomas-Brownwell Detail.jpg Detail of Court Barony Ghislaine d'Auxerre
Brucedraconariusofmistholme12.jpg Crescent of Caid Ceridwen Dafydd
Brucedraconariusofmistholme16.jpg Dolphin Eilidh Swann Stralachlan
Brucedraconariusofmistholme19.jpg Dolphin Ghislaine d'Auxerre
Scriptorum7.JPG Dolphin Su of the Silver Horn
Brucedraconariusofmistholme20.jpg Duchy Ceinwen ferch Rhys ap Gawain
12th Night Coronation 2018 scroll 8.jpg Duchy Edric Aaron Hartwood
12th Night Coronation 2018 scroll 8a.jpg Detail of Duchy Edric Aaron Hartwood
12th Night Coronation 2018 scroll 8b.jpg Detail of Duchy Edric Aaron Hartwood
BruceDraconariusOfMistholme21.JPG Duchy John ap Gwyndaf of Holdingford
Brucedraconariusofmistholme6.jpg Harp Argent Alexandre le Bonhomme
Brucedraconariusofmistholme14.jpg Harp Argent Lavendar of Lorne
Brucedraconariusofmistholme11.jpg Harp Argent Selene Colfox
Brucedraconariusofmistholme9.jpg Laurel Angelina Nicollette de Beaumont
Ariana-verch-Gwenllian Laurel Bruce-Draconarious.jpg Laurel Ariana verch Gwenllian

To all maner people these present lettres seyng or heryng, We Valrik and Drada by righte 7 by lawe Kynge 7 Quene of the Souerayne Realme of Caid sende goode greeting. Forasmuch as the noble artes of Herauldrie haue ben practisid since auncient dayes when signes 7 tokens of honour callid Armes were first grauntid by Alexandre the greate to those of meritte and renoune, which example Kynges 7 Princes of succedyng ages haue ensued; and demyng that those who spend their dayes enlargyng the Herauldes artes are themselues worthy of recognicon 7 renoune that others myght be the more inspirid to artistrie 7 study; 7 hauing taken conseill with the Order 7 of Our own knowllege recognisyng her skill 7 noble deportmente; therfor by these Lettres Patent do We here eleuate Our true and belouid subiect Ariana verch Gwenllian to the most noble Order of the Laurel of the Societie for Creatiue Anachronism. We hereby confirme her sole ryght to bere the Armes Argent, a pile bendwise Or; 7 that she may be knowne admittid 7 welcomid into the compagnie of her Peers, We hereby graunte her the priuilege of displayng in whole or in parte the acheuemente propre to the Order: scilicet a wrethe of laurel vert, with a siluer heaume mantelid Or dowbelid argent; and these Armes and tokyns of her honour and station are hers to haue to holde 7 to reioyce to her goode worshippe now 7 foreuermore. In witnesse of which to these Lettres Patent We haue set Our Seale of armes 7 Signe manuell this xxixth daye of Maye in the yere lvij of the Societie beyng the yere mmxxij of the Gregorian era.

Brucedraconariusofmistholme10.jpg Laurel Astra Christiana Benedict
Philippa-Llewelyn-Schulyer Laurel Bruce-Draconarious-of-Mistholme.jpg Laurel Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler
Philippa-Llewelyn-Schulyer Laurel Bruce-Draconarious-of-Mistholme Detail.jpg Detail of Laurel Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler
Brucedraconariusofmistholme13.jpg Laurel Xena Baxter Wynthorpe
Coronation summer 2016 26.jpg Lux Caidis Ascelyn Schirleah
Coronation summer 2016 26a.jpg Detail of Lux Caidis Ascelyn Schirleah
Berengere-Marguerite-Madeline-d'Acre Lux-Caidis Scroll by Bruce-Draconarius-of-Mistholme.jpg Lux Caidis Bérengère Marguerite Madeline d'Acre

À tous presens et advenir qui ces presentes lettres verront ou orront, Joseph et Caroline, Roy et Reyne de Caid, saluz. Pour son excellence dans lart de la danse, Nous elevons Notre sujette fidelle Bérengère Marguerite Madeline d’Acre à lordre de la Lumiere de Caid. Par ce brevet Nous lui confirmons larmoirie De geules au lyon endormi contourne dor et ung chef unde dargent, avec linsigne de lordre entourant lescu. Fait par Notre main le xxesme jour de Septembre, AS xxxij aultrement dit AD mcmxcvij.

Berengere-Marguerite-Madeline-d'Acre Lux-Caidis Bruce-Draconarius-of-Mistholme detail2.jpg Detail of Lux Caidis Bérengère Marguerite Madeline d'Acre
Berengere-Marguerite-Madeline-d'Acre Lux-Caidis Bruce-Draconarius-of-Mistholme detail1.jpg Detail of Lux Caidis Bérengère Marguerite Madeline d'Acre
Megan-de-Barri Lux Scroll Bruce-Draconarius-of-Mistholme.JPG Lux Caidis Megan de Barri

Cognoscatur Nos Edricum et Albram, Regem et Reginam Caidis, hoc modo tollere civem Nostram delectam Megan de Barri ad Ordinem Lucem Caidis, cognitione peritiorum eius de metallarius. Hoc donatione ei asserveramus ius proprium ut haec arma ferat: Scutum de argenteo, monstrum cum anteriora caninus tricipitis nigris et posteriora maris leonis virides intra bordura nigra. Ulteriore cognitione, ei tribuimus privilegium demonstrandi adeptionem, signum huius Ordinis: bullam caeruleam ferentem solem argenteum orientem ex nubibus intra bordura turritum, cum casside ferreo et mantello nigro duplicato argenteo infra pictum. His testibus subscripsimus manibus et sigilis Nostris hac die XXI mensis Septembris, Anno Societatis XXXI id est Anno Domini MCMXCVI

Megan-de-Barri Lux-Caidis Bruce-Draconarius-of-Mistholme detail.JPG Detail of Lux Caidis Megan de Barri
Brucedraconariusofmistholme15.jpg Pelican Adelaide de Beaumont
Coronation Summer 2019 14.jpg Pelican Brianna la Franceise
Coronation Summer 2019 14a.jpg Detail of Pelican Brianna la Franceise
Coronation Summer 2019 14b.jpg Detail of Pelican Brianna la Franceise
Coronation spring 2014 042.jpg Pelican Fia Naheed


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