Olaf mac Stiamna

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Olaf mac Stiamna 2002.jpg
Olaf mac Stiamna at Dreiburgen Anniversary 2022
Preferred title: Lord
Their Pronouns: He/him
Resides: Dreiburgen
Status: Deceased
Awards: Visit the Caid Order of Precedence
Olaf-mac-Stiamna Device.jpg
Or, in pale two badgers sable.
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Olaf Mac Stiamna is a heavies fighter, Man-at-Arms to Sir Ilia Aleksandrovich, and member of the Guardians of the Golden Grove. He currently resides in Dreiburgen, but plays heavily in Gyldenholt due to historical ties. Olaf is married to Michelle filia Osgari and is currently traveling with the Caravan of Wonders.



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Lord Olaf suffered a heart attack at Dreiburgen Anniversary. Many folks assisted with CPR before emergency personal arrived. The paramedics cared for him as they transported him to the hospital. He passed away a short time later.


My time in the SCA has always been marked by the fun I have had with people who were goofy like myself and willing to play. Early from coming back from Delaware to Caid in 2007, I met Olaf and we were kindred in a lot of ways. We fought in the Guardians, served together multiple times on various courts as guards, sought each other out at wars and tournaments and joked with each-other, getting along easily. Olaf was always extremely slow to anger and very quick to a comradely smile. He loved to hang out and chat, and always seemed to be enjoying the day whenever I saw him. He loved to fight sword and board, not so much I think because he wanted to win accolades, but because he loved to play the game with his friends; always people he would talk about after a fight with such respect and dignity. He just loved..being. The news I just received that he passed away suddenly at a tournament earlier today is overwhelming and heartbreaking. While he passed among his best friends doing what he loved the most, I am ever mindful that life is incredibly fleeting and 2024 is a year that seems to like to remind us of this constantly. Mike/Olaf, you are and always will be my friend, and always will be very much missed. - Meester Theonis de Zeeuwe

Good evening friends and family. It is with very heavy hearts that we convey the terrible news of the passing of our good friend and Baronial Marshal Olaf mac Stiamna known mundanely as Mike Broaddus. Today was not the Golden Jubilee Anniversary that anyone anticipated. We had amazing and passionate event stewards, dozens of helpers, beautiful pageantry, creative tournaments and artisan displays... Then shortly after opening court began, Olaf fell unconscious and never completely recovered. As a trainer, teacher, and marshal this man happily served beyond his two year term and had no intention of stepping down. His head was always filled with crazy ideas for tournaments and exciting combat scenarios. He spoke for years about the St. Georges Pas d'Armes and how cool it would be to bring some of those elements into a Dreiburgen Anniversary Tourney. After 3 years of talking about it, he finally set that tournament up this morning. Finally made this crazy idea into a reality. The tournament never happened. Olaf spent his final couple of hours doing something he loved, surrounded by the people he loved, and in service to the dream that HE LOVED. We only hope to be so lucky on our final day. Today turned into a different kind of celebration. A celebration not of the barony, but of family. Love at every table, and support bloomed from every angle. Today was about friends, and what we mean to each other. To everyone who lost a friend today, we are immeasurably sorry, and we grieve with you. To our friend Olaf who stands at the gates of Valhalla - we salute you. Rock on, brother. In Glorious Service to the Dream; Baron Ramvoldus Kroll and Baroness Kungund Benehonig

A friend left us today. One of the few friends I share both a hobby (pre-seventeenth century historical reenactment) and a faith in Christ with, and he loved to speak about that faith, at least with me. Not long after one such discussion this morning, the Lord called him home.

So my friend, Mike, as I pray for the family you left behind, I say good-bye with a French sonnet. From one bard to another:

Goodbye Dear Friend by Chartain Trevino

Goodbye dear friend, my newly departed brother, I wish I could have listened to your unsung songs. Leviticus, salvation, lyrics came along. We spoke to renew'd faith with attacks that fluster.

You were our friend, marshal, brother, husband, father, Yet, I failed to see your need, with time left not long, A hug, prayer, a moment saying you belong, Now I am left with words unsaid as you slumber.

And while we suffer heartache and loss, you now gain, for you’re in paradise with your Lord and no pain.

For in earnest, today you shared your re-found joy, You knew too well that your belief was not in vain, Sharing, despite hardship, love you could not contain. Leaving us beautiful memories to enjoy.

Tell your loved ones how you feel, for tomorrow is promised to no one.

Proverbs 27:1 1 Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.

I believe this was the verse we discussed this morning as he searched for lyrics to the song of faith he was writing:

Leviticus 16:34 34 This shall be an everlasting statute for you, to make atonement for the children of Israel, for all their sins, once a year.” And he did as the Lord commanded Moses.

- Chartain Trevino