Thomas Chisholm

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Baron Thomas Chisholm
Preferred title: Baron
Their Pronouns: He / Him
Resides: Starkhafn
Status: Active
Awards: Visit the Caid Order of Precedence
Thomas chisolm-oeu.gif
Quarterly sable and Or, in bend sinister two boar's heads couped close gules within a bordure counterchanged.
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Born in Invernesshire in the Highlands of Scotland Thomas was the seventh son of a minor Nobleman. Having no opportunity to rise through inheritance, Thomas chose to seek his fortune through strength of arms. He found himself in the Shire of Burning Sands, Principality of the Sun in the Kingdom of Atenveldt where he was befriended by Geoffrey Athos von Ulm. Athos was forming a mercenary band, Dragon Watch, to win riches and fame along the border of Atenveldt and the Barony of Calafia in the neighboring kingdom of Caid. Thomas trained with his new brothers and took the field at the Baja War in AS 21. The siren song of war took him completely and he embraced his new profession with great zeal. Soon the members of his new household were scattered and he found himself in far off lands. Athos made him a herald at large and commanded him to form a new chapter of Dragon Watch when his travels were completed. Thomas took this sacred task and ignored it completely for 12 years. Soon providence placed Thomas in the Barony of Angels and he heard the siren sing of war once again. He sent out the call to arms and found stout hearts and strong swords to form the new chapter of Dragon Watch. The knowed wyrm returned to the fields of battle under a new Captain. He and his company of fighters stand ready to serve the coin of the Dream and share the word fame of friends and foe alike around the campfires.

His faire Lady wyfe is THL Catylyn verch Morgant ap Llewellyn. Captain Thomas Chisholm abducted THL Catylyn from her home Kingdom of Atenveldt, married her and brought her to a beautiful Kingdom called Caid.

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