St. Corrigan's Day 2024

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St Corrigan 2024 - M A Kennedy.jpg
St Corrigan 2024
Location: Hurkey Creek Park
Date: 07/05-07/2024

Event Staff

From the Event FB Page

Guess whose back, back again. St. Corrigan’s back, tell a friend. If you enjoy our shenanigans, then this is our ultimate shenanigan event. Come and enjoy a weekend of fun, games, and silliness. Theme: Getting lost is half the fun. The site opens at noon Friday, July 5, 2024, for campers, and will be open on Saturday July 6, 2024 for the event at 9:00am. Day tripper’s welcome!! For those camping Saturday Night, there will be a potluck and free for all bardic circle.

SCHEDULE: Friday July 5, 2024 12:00pm: Site open to campers Saturday July 6, 2024 9:00am: site opens 9:30am: lists open 10:30am: Opening Court (or at Their Excellencies pleasure) 5:00pm: Closing court All non-campers must be off-site by sunset (approximately 7:45pm) Potluck at Their Excellencies leisure Sunday: July 7, 2024 All campers must be off site by 11:00am

COMBAT SCENARIOS: There will be fighting but expect anything. Last year’s heavies champion was determined by a rap battle (you read that right). The scenarios are TBD. There will be heavies and rapier fighting. Giant Jenga may show up again.

ACTIVITIES: Saturday’s activities include all the normal scenarios: sack the town, sheep rugby, gnome tossing, hunker houser, bouncy joust, bowling (bring your favorite wooden bowls!), youth activities and more! A&S: Arts and Sciences theme: Things you might want with you if you are lost. Ex: A map (calligraphy and illustration), clothing (sewing, garb making), high visibility (trim, candle making), liquid libations (brewing), weapons (wood working or metallurgy). These are just examples. Bring anything you have made that has not won at an event. This year there will be a People’s Choice Arts Contest – bring your art and show it off!

EVENT REGISTRATION: Adult Camping Registration: $30.00. Adult Member Discount Camping Registration: $20.00. Adult Day Registration: $15.00. Adult Day Discount Event Registration: $5.00. Children ages 17 and under are guests of the barony. Please make checks payable to: “SCA, Inc./Barony of Dreiburgen”. Cash and checks only will be accepted the day of the event. Maps will be posted to the event. We have reserved 12 spots. Each spot can have two cars, two tents, and six people. Once these spots are filled you will need to pay for your own camping spot.


Oh St. Corrigan's Day! This event was the pot o' gold waiting at the end of the 5 weekend demo. The mountains offered peace and quiet, which we proceeded to raucously interrupt with our laughter and song! As Lord Anerain put it, "St. Corrigan's is the event that reminds me that the SCA for community is a very real thing." (oh that's misquoted, but the idea is there). Every person that attended found a way to enrich the weekend, and make fun not just for themselves, but for others too! Thank you first and foremost to our event steward, Lord Ronan de Bhal and Baroness Tyne MacPhersone. Thank you for planning, and for playing! The kids enjoyed beloved St. Corrigan's games beneath to cooling arch of the sprinkler, and in the end all the participants went home with a trophy. This is not the first hot event that Tyne has rescued with water power! Ronan could be seen everywhere, helping set up, giving the rapier fighters a fierce fight (and winning the day), cooking up a mountain of delicious fajitas, sharing the bardic spotlight with his son, and ensuring that everyone was having the best time possible.
His Excellency and I enjoyed coming up with special recognition for members or our populace in opening court. Thank you to our Blue Mountain Herald, Lord Anerain ap Logan, for giving voice to these silly but sincere unofficial "awards." Congratulations to the Premier and Ultimate recipients of the following:
There are those among us who embody the saying “see a need, fill a need.” They are the metaphorical cork that keeps the ship sailing. And so Their Excellencies call Lord Ronan de Bhal to receive Der Korken, the symbol of this recognition being a rather large cork suspended from a leather cord. Lord Ronan is also known for never passing up a "that's what he/she said" moment. And so, bestowing this award also gives each member of the populace the power, when necessary, to ask Ronan to kindly put a cork in it! Thank you Ronan, for being the cork, everywhere you are needed, all at once.
St. Corrigan extends his blessings to all, but there are some far more blessed, far more often than others. This year's "Blessing of St. Corrigan" goes to Lord Alastar Machlachlan in recognition of his perseverance and service. The emblem of this award is a compass rose.
In recognition of the Bardic talents that have been passed down from previous generations, which now grow in magic, and radiate with rainbow words, Their Excellencies call Victoria of Dreiburgen (age 9) to receive The Regenbogenwörter, or "Rainbow Words." The symbol of this recognition being a glass vial containing a captured glittering rainbow.
By their kind hearts, divine patience, and sheer force of will, the Sisterhood of the Golden Lasso brings order to the Baronial children. In gratitude, Their excellencies call Lady Arnleif Oladottir, Lady Kynan MacPhersone, and Gen the Gardener to receive the emblem of this recognition: a golden lasso suspended from a leather holster.
Congratulations to all!
Thank you Baroness Megan de Barri and Lady Fiametta for running gate, Baron Logan Blackrune for running a rather unconventional lyst, Sir Thurstan de Barri for facilitating an Arts & Science display for youth and adults, Lord Geral de Riera for continuing the tradition of rapier tourney on-the-fly, Lord Olaf mac Stiamna for the brilliant idea of an armored flyting battle rather than a fighting tourney to beat the heat and entertain all! Congratulations to Christian and Aiden for winning the youth A&S contests with their drawings, and to Kristoff Christopher Breed for winning the adult with his beautiful leather bracers! Two armored fighters gained the admiration of all as they faced off in the first ever St. Corrigan's flyting battle. Resounding Victory was gained by THL Jethro de Calce des Excurtynyx against his most worthy opponent, Kristoff.
Thank you Master Sigbiorn Sigmundarson for sharing yummy Tillamook ice cream during the heat of the day! We finally discovered why Hurkey Creek campground is called a "creek," and after an early closing court, many retired to its restorative pools. The potluck was legendary, with a table of ever replenishing dishes. The bardic was equally rich and diverse, with performances going on until the last flames died. Saturday night, about 3am, the entire camp was rocked awake by a very loud, very close “boom.” Talking it over the next day, we discovered we all had the same response: What was that?
Is anyone screaming? No?
Well, back to sleep then. 😆
I think the most probable guess is that a tree fell!
Thank you Master Timothy and Dame Lynnette for tables, shade, beverages, and wonderful bardic contributions!
Daegmund came to help Ram and I set up our tent, and after the 3rd trip or so he said "Your Excellency, I think I've been had..." I inquired "How so?" and he replied that he was told to come over to our tent because "people were singing." and instead got roped into manual labor! Jacob is a talented bard with an extensive song list - we are grateful for the help with set up, and also for the gorgeous gift of your voice!
A similar thank you to Lord Chartain, who was so helpful and also has an enviable gift for spoken word bardic. Lord Michael Roy Mor brought out the dulcimer for bardic, I promise I'll learn my part of the song for the next camping event! Thank you Lady Michelle filia Osgari for making movie night happen for the kiddos with your projector and screen! ~Kungund Benehonig


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