Hemneter Pennefer

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Hemneter Pennefer 1.jpg
Preferred title: Noble
Their Pronouns: they/he
Resides: Naevehjem
Status: Active
Awards: Visit the Caid Order of Precedence
Per pale sable and purpure, a spider inverted and on a point pointed Or a rose proper.
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Pennefer attended their first SCA event at the Barony of Naevehjem's Frost Dragon Anniversary and became enamored with what the SCA was all about and what it provided to them; however, mundane life prevented them from being fully immersed for about a year or two. When they returned, they jumped in with both feet and began integrating into their new home by assisting as deputy Chatelaine, then becoming territorial Chatelaine and then later as Baronial Herald. After a year of service, Pennefer received their Award of Arms on 11/11/2017 at Naevehjem Anniversary. After some time learning and studying the SCA, they found their passions and began devoting their time and energy to scribal arts, heraldry, and teaching; finding means to improve the experiences of the Society for all people they have met.

Pennefer was elevated to the rank of Herald at Great Western War 2023 and later was received into the Order of the Crescent from Their Majesties Wilhelm IV and Lorissa at Naevehjem Anniversary 2023. He currently is protege to Mistress Mary and serves as Deputy Dolphin Herald who oversees all Internal Submissions sent to the Caid College of Heralds.


Hemneter Pennefer was born in the winter months to a lector priest and priestess of Egypt and, as such, was dedicated to the life of the temple almost immediately.

Throughout their childhood years, they took care of the chores and upkeep of the temple, sometimes being sent to temples of other regions to assist with their care. When the time came for their studies, they were instructed in reading and writing, aiding in transcribing the ritual texts for their father, and learned heka (the magical arts) and medicines from their mother at home.

In their early adolescence, Pennefer was dedicated as a wab priest to the temple their family served and began their work with aiding in rituals and ceremonies, making house calls to the sick and those afflicted with curses, and assisting the sem priests in preparing the funeral services of the community.

While on travel to the kingdom capital to deliver missives on the state of their community, they encountered a woman afflicted with a bout of illness and had collapsed on the road they were on. Taking her to one of the temples, and under their care, they were able to restore the woman to full health and it was only then that they learned she was one of the attendants of the royal court. As a token of her gratitude, the young woman granted them a tour of the palace and while they were out appreciating the gardens, they crossed paths with the Great Royal Wife, the queen of the land, Tsyra tsheere Nanoup.

Receiving the honor of an audience, they spent a great deal of time conversing to the point Pennefer forgot to attend to the temple they intended to visit for their father! When the high priest learned who they were with though, all was quickly forgotten and forgiven. Having enjoyed their company during their visit there, the Queen extended an invitation to have Pennefer serve on her court as companion and within the month, they relocated to the capital and to the temple of the Pharaoh.

Through years of service and dedication, Pennefer rose up the ranks of the priesthood and then one summer morning, before the Pharaoh and Queen, they were appointed hem-netjer-tepi (high priest) and oversaw the Temple of Hathor at Dendere. Their task was to oversee the temple's religious services, officiate the high holidays, ensure medicines and spells were transcribed and stocked, and serve as advisor to the Queen whom a deep friendship had formed.

Things were truly beneficial to Pennefer especially over the course of their many years studying and serving. And then one night, during a great storm that covered the lands of the Nile, Pennefer noticed an odd soldier donned in armor unfamiliar to them sitting and trying to take shelter. Noticing his wounds, they aided the soldier back to the palace and tended to his lacerations.

During his period of recovery, the soldier was able to carry decent conversation, having been somewhat familiar of the language of the land. His name was Arcadius from the lands of Messenia and he told Pennefer of his home, his culture, and the variety of knowledge he had picked up on his travels.

Fascinated in this, a new friendship was sought and forged with this soldier and in exchange for introducing him to Egyptian craftsmanship and their tactics of warfare, Pennefer learned of the Greeks medicines, their gods and the ancient stories, as well as unique knowledge of this culture’s way of life. Overeager to learn more, and after many requests, they finally received the blessings of the Pharaoh, and was given leave of their responsibilities to travel in order to bring back knowledge and goods from this unknown land for the benefit of the realm.

And so Pennefer set out to new adventures, seeing new lands, and making new friends along the way. And this is where our story begins…


Guilds and Groups

Current Offices & Positions

Kingdom of Caid

  • Increscent Herald - 07/14/2024 to present
  • Golden Rose Herald to Their Majesties Sven V and Iseabail - 07/13/2024 to present
  • Gentle in Waiting to Their Majesties Sven V and Iseabail - 07/13/2024 to present
  • Herald - 10/07/2023 to present


  • Chamberlain to Their Excellencies, Liam and Anastasiia, Baron and Baroness of Naevehjem - 11/12/2022 to present

Former Offices & Positions

Kingdom of Caid


  • Chamberlain to Baron and Baroness Llewellyn and Eularia - Barony of Naevehjem - 11/10/2018 to 05/27/2022
  • Moucheture Baronial Herald - Barony of Naevehjem - 10/01/2018 to 11/13/2021
  • Baronial Chatelaine - Barony of Naevehjem 11/11/2017 to 11/09/2019
  • Deputy Baronial Seneschal - Barony of Naevehjem - 02/01/2017 to 10/01/2018
  • Deputy Baronial Herald - Barony of Naevehjem 06/01/2018 to 10/01/2018
  • Deputy Baronial Chatelaine - Barony of Naevehjem - 02/01/2017 to 11/11/2017

Event Staff

  • Royal Liaison - Potrero War 2024
  • Event Steward - Naevehjem Frost Dragon Anniversary - 11/11/2023
  • Herald in Charge - Valkyrie Rose Tournament - GWW 2023
  • Herald in Charge - Valkyrie Rose Tournament - GWW 2022
  • Co-Event Steward for Naevehjem October Faire Demo - 10/18/2019 - 10/20/2019
  • Heraldry Consultation - GWW 2019
  • Ran Herald's Point - Festival of the Rose - 08/24/2019
  • Heraldry Consultation - Potrero 2019
  • Event Steward - Naevehjem Frost Dragon Anniversary - 11/10/2018
  • Heraldry Consultation - Calafia Anniversary 2018
  • Event Steward for Naevehjem October Faire Demo - 10/12/2018 - 10/14/2018
  • Heraldry Consultation - GWW 2018
  • Heraldry Consultation - GWW 2017

Workshops Taught

Kingdom of Caid

  • "Can I Be a Herald? - An Introduction to Heraldry in Caid" - Collegium 2024
  • "Heraldry 101 - Submitting a Name and Device as a Submitter or as a New Herald" - GWW 2019

Barony of Naevehjem

  • Who's Who in the SCA: Knowing Officers, Titles, and People of Rank
  • What are the Kingdom Awards?
  • How to Submit Kingdom and Baronial Awards
  • Field Heraldry 101
  • Roles and Relationships of a Consort and Champion
  • SCA Camping 101 for Wars and Weekend Events
  • The Dos and Don'ts of Court: Etiquette, Procession and Presentation, and How to Survive



  • Kingdom of Caid
    • Order of the Lux Caidis (heraldry) 08/17/2024
    • Signum Regni (Wilhelm IV and Lorissa) 01/06/2024
    • Order of the Crescent 11/11/2023
    • Signum Regni (Alexander II and Tahira II) 01/09/2021
    • Order of the Dolphin of Caid 01/04/2020
    • Signum Reginae (Tsyra II) 01/04/2020
    • Order of the Harp Argent (illumination/scroll work) 07/13/2019
    • Signum Reginae (Tsyra I) 06/23/2018
    • Award of Arms 11/11/2017
  • Barony of Naevehjem
    • Dragon's Blaze (Baronial Recognition of Excellence) [augmentation] 11/12/2022
    • Dragon's Heart of Naevehjem (Courtesy) 11/13/2021
    • Dragon's Blaze (Baronial Recognition of Excellence) [augmentation] 11/09/2019
    • Dragon's Gem (Arts and Sciences) for scribal arts 11/09/2019
    • Dragon's Blaze (Baronial Recognition of Excellence) 11/10/2018
    • Dragon's Wing (Service) 11/11/2017
  • Barony of Wintermist
    • Gillyflower (service) 05/18/2019

Bardic Performances

  • Festival of the Rose 2019 - "On the Golden Rose" and "What is There but a Mother's Love"
  • Starkhafn Anniversary 2018 - "The Tribulation of Gan"

Projects and Publications

Promissories for the Reigns


Image Preview Award Recipient
Arcadios AoA scroll.jpeg Award of Arms Arcadios Messenios
Brig-inghean-Uatei Court-Barony.jpg Court Barony Brig inghean Uateir
Tsyra Dolphin scroll.jpeg Dolphin of Caid Tsyra tsheere Nanoup
12th Night Coronation 2020 1.jpg Duchy Tsyra tsheere Nanoup
Alienor-Strongbow-de-Clare Harp-Argent by-Hemneter-Pennefer.jpg Harp Argent Alienor Strongbow de Clare
Acadios LoC scroll.jpeg Legion of Courtesy Arcadios Messenios