Gyldenholt Knight

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The Gyldenholt Knight is a Rapier challenge at Gyldenholt's weekly rapier practice. It was initiated by the Baronial marshal (Rhydderch Derwen) in 2014.

Multiple fencers have asked for some way to help prepare for tournament both mentally and physically by ensuring they got the best possible fight from their adversary. The solution came in the form of a large chess piece, specifically the knight. Fencers will challenge the holder of the Knight, and agree to terms and format. If the holder is victorious they retain the Knight, if not the victor is now the holder of the Knight.

If a fencer has successfully defended the Knight for four practices, they are deemed the Defender of the Knight for the night and the following practice the Knight is considered "open" (see open for challenge below.)


General Rules

1) Challenges for the Knight may only be done in Heavy Rapier or Rapier Cut & Thrust at Gyldenholt rapier practice. The only exception to this rule is if a youth fighter wants to challenge and they use the plastic "youth" rapiers.

2) The current holder is required to be available to defend the Knight within two weeks of winning and on a regular basis after that. If a winner cannot be available (example: they are visiting from out of town or any other reason) they may give the Knight to another fencer (see proxy rule) or request that the Knight be open for challenge (see open for challenge.)

3) The form is to be decided by the challenged (holder of the Knight) and the format by the challenger, and agreed to by both.

4) A holder of the Knight must announce that they have the Knight when fencing starts at the practice.

5) A holder of the Knight must accept no less than three challenges each night with one exception. The exception is if someone has won the Knight from a current holder, they are not required to accept challenges until the next practice. However, if the holder decides to accept challenges the same night, they must fight at least three challenges if they want to count that night in their total nights defended.

6) A fencer may not hold the Knight for more than the four practices that they've defended the Knight. If they go to a practice and do not defend the Knight, that practice does not count.

7) Once a fencer has successfully defended the Knight for four practices, the Knight is open for challenge (see open for challenge) and they are deemed the Defender of the Knight (see Defender of the Knight for past defenders.)

8) A holder of the Knight does not have to accept a challenge from someone they have fought in a challenge previously that practice.

Special Rules and Traditions

When the Knight is open for challenge

  • When one person has defended the Knight for four consecutive practices, or if the defender cannot defend the Knight in a reasonable time frame, the Knight will then be open for challenge.
  1. The format can be chosen by previous defender if they so wish.
  2. The previous defender may not challenge for the Knight while it is open.
  3. The new holder or the winner of the Knight does not have to accept a challenge from the previous holder on their first night.

Traditional format for when the Knight is open for challenge:

  1. The Knight is placed on a table and the first two fencers to challenge each other (or agree to fight for the Knight) have a standard challenge match.
  2. The victor now must accept no less than the next three challenges. If they successfully defend these challenges they are now the defender of the Knight for the next practice. If a new holder of the Knight is made they now must accept the next three challenges.
  3. If someone is defeated in a challenge they may not challenge the same person unless the Knight has first changed hands.
  4. If someone won the Knight and then successfully defend three or more challenges, they may count that practice towards the total nights of defending the Knight.
  • NOTE: "Open" Knight night may also be decided as a tournament during practice as long as the winner has won a minimum of three fights.

Traditional formats for standard challenge fights: *Note these are options are not the only or required formats.

  • [Marcos round] 6 out of 10 (plus one for Lot because he knows how math works)
  • Best 3 of 5
  • First blood
  • Best 4 of 7
  • First to five (or any other number)

White Scarf / Master of Defense rule:

  • Members of the White Scarf and Order of Defense are encouraged to challenge and defend, however they are not allowed to proxy the Knight to someone else with out first defending it at least once. The exception to this is if they cannot return to defend the Knight in a reasonable amount of time.

Proxy rule: If you cannot defend the Knight in a reasonable amount of time, you should give the Knight to someone who can. These are the rules regarding using a proxy:

  1. Once a proxy is chosen they are now the new holder of the Knight (they do not retain successful defenses from the previous holder.)
  2. A proxy must agree to be a holder of the Knight

Jerk rule:

  1. Don't be a jerk, remember this is for fun :)

Successful Defenders of the Knight

  • A successful Defender of the Knight is categorized as someone who has won the Knight and defended it for the full four practices.

Travels of The Knight of Gyldenholt

Italy - A.S.LIV (54)


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