Early Period Alliance

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Alliance at Altavia Anniversary 2009
Founded: 2005
Status: Active
(fieldless) a hungerford knot inverted sable [Submitted to Society - Waiting for final approval]

The Early Period Alliance is an alliance of households based in Caid and Meridies. The overall theme of the alliance is to focus on pre-1066 history (we have a lot of vikings), however we do have later period members in the group.

Households included

  • Dragonstad - Ragnar of Sandcastle and Trifona Anastasiia Dodovicha’s household.
  • Halfdan Hall - Malachi Halfdan Brightskull’s household.
  • House MacKay - Aidan MacKay’s household, located in Meridies.
  • House Rogvolodovna - Aleksina Taisiya Rogvolodovna’s household.
  • Hús Beytill - Sven Örfhendur’s household.
  • Hús Marbæli - Kolfinna kottr’s household.
  • Ophelias’ Biergarten - Ophelia aus Barvaria’s household, located in Meridies.
  • Glita - Friends of the alliance, but not specifically in any household.


The Alliance came together after Kolfinna was knighted and she did not want to leave Malachi's (who was her knight) household. The original four households were Halfdan Hall, House Rogvolodovna, Hús Beytill, and. Hús Marbæli. House MacKay joined in 2007. Dragonstad and Ophelias' Biergarten joined July 2008.


  • To join a household to the overall alliance, the household must receive approval from all the current heads of households.
  • Individual members join through the households, generally by becoming a squire/apprentice/etc.

Name and Heraldry

The name Early Period Alliance is just a temporary one, until the heads of households can agree on a name and get it registered via the society heralds.

Currently the Alliance has two pieces of heraldry registered:

  • (Fieldless) A Hungerford knot inverted sable
  • (Fieldless) A Hungerford knot sable

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