Caterina di Cellini

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Lot Caterina.jpg
Caterina with Lot, Unbelted 2016
Preferred title: Not specified
Their Pronouns: Not specified
Resides: Lyondemere
Status: Active
Awards: Visit the Caid Order of Precedence
Caterina di Cellino dev.gif
Per chevron vert and argent, two trees eradicated Or and a fox passant to sinister azure.
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Lady Caterina di Cellini is known for her cooking and costuming. She is the wife of Master Lot Ramirez.


The White Star was formed in 1998, in the then-Principality of Northshield, when Dianora Lizavetta di Vittori di Cellini granted Lot Ramirez the rank of Captain and the White Star as an advance on the dowry of her ward, Caterina di Cellini. The household of the White Star maintains its connections as a part of the di Cellini household, which span more than 3 kingdoms.

In A.S. 38, Under Lady Caterina's supervision, the White Star built a Villa just outside of Cadiz, as a welcoming place for family and newcomers alike, to and spread the name and influence of La Familia di Cellini, and to provide a center for artistic endeavors of all kins.

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