Altavia Demo 2013-4

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Date: 4/12-4/13/2013

Altavia's Walter Reed Middle School Demo on April 12-13, 2013

Event Staff

Steward: Mistress Bridget Lucia MacKenzie, Chatelaine of Altavia --


Demo Event Info

Greetings Altavia!

We have been requested by the Walter Reed Middle School to do a School Demo for them on Friday April 12 (12noon to 5pm) and Saturday April 13 (10am to 5pm). The school address is 4525 Irvine Ave, North Hollywood, 91602. This is an LA County School District campus with 1600 students, not a ritzy private school. But it is staffed with an incredibly passionate and caring corps of teachers. is a very strong Parent involvement in the school as seen by their PTSA website (below). I was very impressed by everyone I met on my site walk last week. This school was attended by our Baron and Baroness' daughter Petra, as well as our Angelic friend, Owain. Both have great memories of the school and look forward to returning to help their alma mater!

The Walter Reed Middle School is putting on their "Faire of the Ages, Renaissance Celebration of Arts & Innovation", their annual display of student crafts and fundraiser. They also invite students from surrounding elementary schools and their families to attend on the Saturday. They have asked us to display combat battles, artisans crafting and life in the Middle Ages. We are answering their plea for help and now I need you to work with me to really put on a fabulous show!

We need people to do and display the following (just to name a few): Armored Combat, Rapier Fence, Archery & Thrown Weapons, Siege Engines, Spinning, Weaving, Costuming and other Fiber Arts, Herbalism, Gaming, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Woodworking, Weapons and Armor, Scribal Arts, Calligraphy, Food & Cooking, Performance Arts, Ceramics, in fact, most anything we do to re-create history! They have a stage, so our Singers, Dancers, Storytellers and Minstrels are invited to perform!

There is a large athletic field and a smaller one (Schall Park) where we can set up pavilions with stakes. We want big pavilions that we can fill with period rugs, tables, chairs, shields, banners and other display items of the Middle Ages. We can drive onto the fields and drop off our equipment, and there is a big faculty parking lot to park in. The Pavilions can remain up and the school grounds will be locked overnight. What can you bring?

We will also need folks doing basic Chatelaining, talking to the parents and teachers, and handing out SCA brochures.

I will need Department Heads of the various disciplines. These Heads will gather the other demo volunteers and coordinate activities in that particular area or pavilion: Who can be my Combat Captain to wrangle the fighters and set up the eric? I need a Fighter Support Supervisor to handle the snack/water table, and a Heraldry Master of Ceremonies during the fighting. Who can head up the Fiber Displays? Scribal Boss? Kitchen King? Bardic Manager? Let me know if you can be a Department Head!

And please spread the word, ask your households and warbands to come assist! I will be asking the rest of the Kingdom to assist, but come first to you. This is going to be a fun event, and a great chance to share our hobby with young minds and caring parents.

Contact me offlist, let me know which day you can attend (or both!). I look forward to hearing from you!


  • Leave your memories here.


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