Altavia's Agincourt Anniversary Archery Tourney 2003

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Location: Altavia
Date: 5/1/2003

From the Crown Prints

Return of the Agincourt Archery Tourney
Barony of Altavia
September 7, 2003

The Barony of Altavia invites all of the archers of Caid (and the Populace too) to attend the much awaited return of the Altavian Agincourt Archery Tournament at Woodley Park, 6331 Woodley Avenue in Van Nuys, at the Sepulveda Recreation area where the 405 and 101 Freeways meet, in beautiful downtown Altavia.

In addition to the famous Altavian Agincourt Shoot there will be games a-plenty, shade, good company and archery games to test the skill of all!! Novices are welcome too; join in the fun!! Not authorized? Come early and our friendly Range Marshall staff will authorize you! This is going to be a "Royal Round-Free" event! We will have a Clout Shoot, a Castle Wall Shoot, Popinjay, and the Altavian Rat Shoot.

Our Altavian Champion will be selected by double-elimination Forester Round. In the Agincourt Shoot: archers will be placed into teams of two: one French and one English, and will aim to hit the devices of either the French or the English nobles. You score 15 points if you hit your opponent, -15 if you hit your own nobility, and if you hit your own King or Duke…woe unto you!!! Popinjay, graciously hosted by Master James of the Lake, will be available at lunch time, and a Clout Shoot, hosted by Phelan of Penguinroost will show the populace of Caid just what the French saw coming at them that fateful day.

In addition, a special appeal has come forth to the archers of Caid from Their Excellencies Duryn and AElfwyn. Our Baronial dump has been overrun by rats, and Our Baron and Baroness implore all of the Archers of Caid to come rid us of this dreaded pestilence. But be forewarned; due to the excellence of our Seneschal's cooking these rats are fat and dangerous and aggressive, and have been known to attack!! It has also been brought to our ears that the dreaded Rat King has taken up residence in the Baronial Dump..this is very grim news indeed!! Our champion Rat Killer just might find him- or herself facing the dreaded Rat King!!

Schedule of the Day

8 am Site opens. Authorizations begin.
9 am Lysts open: Clout Shoot begins.
10 am Opening Court: at Their Excellencies' pleasure.
11 am Shooting begins: Forester Rounds. Authorizations end.
Lunch Popinjay: for those interested during breaks.
2:00 PM Agincourt Shoot, Castle Wall Shoot.
5 pm Closing Court: at Their Excellencies's pleasure.
6 PM Site Closes

The site fee will be $4.00 per person, plus an additional $3.00 for a non-member. Make checks payable to "SCA Inc/ Barony of Altavia". Archery can be a dangerous activity, with pointed projectiles that are capable of traveling at 70 mph. Children are welcome at this event, but must be supervised by a parent or responsible adult at all times. Pets are allowed in the park if leashed at all times, but not permitted within the confines of the archery range. Crossbows and broadheads are not permitted at Woodley Park. Merchanting is permitted in the confines of the Archery Range only; please contact the autocrat for details. This is a dry site.


From the 101 (east or west): Exit the 101 at Balboa and turn North. Turn Right on Burbank Boulevard and then Left on Woodley. Follow the directions to the Archery Range below. From the 405: Exit Burbank Boulevard and turn West. Turn Right onto Woodley and follow the directions to the Archery Range Below.

To the Archery Range: In the right lane of Woodley, look for a black sign on the right that says "The Japanese Gardens." Turn Right into this driveway. You will immediately come to a Y-intersection: keep to the extreme right of this Y-intersection. Follow the road past the wildlife area and cricket fields. You will shortly come to a traffic circle with a tree planted in the center of it. Keep to the LEFT of this circle and you will see a wooden sign that says "Archery Range." Follow this road to the range. Keep in mind that parking at the range proper is extremely limited: latecomers will have to park below at the picnic areas and walk up.

Event Steward

Lady Ingilborg Sigmundardóttir



Events of Caid
Events: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s

Event Types: Tournament, War, Collegium, Revel, Court, Arts & Sciences Competition

Other Information: Results