Great Desert War

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Location: Atenveldt (Bouse AZ)
Date: Feb. 1983 & 84

The Great Desert War took place in Atenveldt in February, and it was a major interkingdom war which had Atenveldt and Caid as the primary sides.

# Great Desert War Sides Caidan Crown
1 Great Desert 1983 Caid vs. Atenveldt Adrian II and Ealasaid
2 Great Desert 1984 No Kingdom Sides Kipp and Berengaria


Event Steward (as dictated by the Royals) Duke Christopher of Houghton

Duties: Combat Scenarios, News letter submissions.

Merchant Autocrat Master Zoltan Kovacs A.K.A Kirby

Duties: Merchant reservations etc.

Site Autocrat Lord Elgil of Dor-Mallos

Duties: Everything Else.



Started out on Saturday as a Kingdom vs. Kingdom war. Up until tempers flared and the Crown Prince of the West’s hand was badly broken. One contributing factor was that this was the famous day in which both the Caidan and Atenveldt armies were lined up for an open field battle and a hold was called. Both armies were then left to rot in the sun while the Knights and Royals held a Battle of champions. By the time hats on was called moods were dark and ugly. His Western Highness got a trip to parker general and Saturday combat ended at midday along with the Kingdom vs. Kingdom war.

Sunday was fought with mixed teams.


Considering the troubles that resulted from the Kingdom vs. Kingdom scenarios the previous year the Great Desert War Council insisted on war games with mixed teams.

Site Rules

There were only seven.

Rule one. Park in the parking area only. After unloading, cars must be moved to maintain the medieval atmosphere and to keep the dust down. Handicapped may be exempt, see autocrat.

Rule two. No illegal substances of any kind. Violators will be turned over to the La Paz County Sheriffs department for prosecution. (he was on site.)

Rule three. All animals must be on leash or in a cage at all times (this is a county ordinance). Horses must be housed in the stables.

Rule four. There will be no undue noise allowed after 9 pm or before 9 am or during court or whenever asked politely to stop by an official.

Rule five. Camping is allowed in authorized areas only.

Rule six. Autocrats and other camp officials can be contacted at the towers across from the Medic/Sheriff station. If you need help see them; they have the final say in all disputes.

Rule seven. Fire pits will be subject to sheriff approval, so locate them safely away from tents.

The Site

40 acres of undeveloped privately owned land in Bouse AZ surrounded by BLM land which camping could be expanded onto. Located on Hwy 72 thirty miles east of Parker.

Land Development

All development of this site was planed specifically for SCA weekend event use.

Between October 15 1982 and February 18 1983 Built horse stables, water towers, road signs, dug the moats for two forts one round one square, roads had been graded and packed, cleared the parking lot of all brush, and purge 20 acres of cactus and ran off most all of the undesirable creators.

Between February 26 1983 and February 17 1984 Built combat archery tower, shade frame for Chirurgeon/water bearers station, improved the stables, graded more roads, increased camping space, cleared archery range, drilled a well, trenched and laid over 1260 feet of pipe, installed many faucets, purged remaining 20 acres of cactus.

Planed for GD III (had we not moved to Estrella Mountain Park) Irrigation system for Merchants Square, Shower Facility.


Between 600 & 700

Gate Fee


$10.00 for merchants


Great Desert War I

GDIbat.JPG Fort Battle GD I

Building the Site

GDpipes2.JPG GDpipes.JPG Trenching and laying pipes

GDstables.JPG Building the Stables

Great Desert War II


Photos taken from the Drachenstern tower

GDIIbat.JPG GDIIbat2.JPG Photos taken from the archers tower

GDIIbat3.JPG Fort Battle

Add photos if we have them

More Information

Events of Caid
Events: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s

Event Types: Tournament, War, Collegium, Revel, Court, Arts & Sciences Competition

Other Information: Results