Dragon Watch: Difference between revisions

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*Connor Chisholm
*Connor Chisholm
*Edelyn Chisholm
*Edelyn Chisholm
*Birgir inn Blakki
*Lord Birgir inn Blakki [https://caidwiki.org/index.php?title=Birgir_inn_blakki]
*Tabitha of Caid
*[[Tabitha of Caid]]
*Merlot of Caid
*Merlot of Caid
*Mistress [https://op.atenveldt.org/people/profile/1131| Eden Blacksmith], OP [https://www.atenveldt.org/] (Atenveldt)
*Mistress [https://op.atenveldt.org/people/profile/1131| Eden Blacksmith], OP [https://www.atenveldt.org/] (Atenveldt)

Latest revision as of 12:32, 25 June 2022

Founded: February 1987
Status: Active
Pean, a wingless dragon nowed Or.

Currently lead by Captain Thomas Chisholm based in the Barony of Starkhafn, Kingdom of Caid. We have members from several kingdoms including Caid, Atenveldt and Drachenwald.

  • WAR TOAST "To Geoffrey Athos von Ulm, wherever he may be"
  • OFFICIAL MOTTO "The Dragon yeilds not to the wind"
  • COMMON MOTTO "I think it's fine"


In the year AS 21 Geoffrey Athos Von Ulm had become frustrated with the vulgar presence of Drafn and their scoundrel leader Master Tiggvyy Halftrollson Will Travel. Something had to be done to protect the borders of Atenveldt and the Shire of Burning Sands. He founded Dragon Watch. A mercenary war-band that could be called upon to halt the encroachment of the Viking horde. The call went out and we answered. We few, we happy few. Armor was forged and swords were made. Shields were painted with the Nowed Wyrm and we stood before the onslaught of the Viking force. We died valiantly...again and again. And after that first day of battle had ended we gathered around our fires. We were joined by Sir Yarislav the Persistent and his Cossack brothers of the Setch. We shared our scotch and they shared the delightful vodka drink known then as the Yorkbanger. Our wounds melted into memories and our hearts were filled with the joy of war. Those of us that still remember those days pass the stories on and keep the fire burning that feeds our hearts today. Names some have forgotten are remembered in our stories...Master Trygvyy, Sir Yarislav and Good King Hano of Caid. We were born in the days of these legends and we live to spread our word fame so that others may tell the stories that awake the fires in their hearts and lead them to the Dream. Long live the Dream!


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DWboys.jpg Our Guys all cleaned up