St. Geronimus Tournament 1990

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St Geronimus at Rubidoux.jpg
"There once was a saint named Geronimus

Whose name has become quite synonymous
with fevers unjust
and nasal disgust
His saint-day will soon be upon us!"

Location: Martin Tudor Park in Fontana
Date: 03/03/1990

Event Staff

From the Crown Prints

Saint Geronimus

March 3dr, A.S. XXIV

Welcome to the yearly festival of nosiness, allergies and fun. held in the honor of the of the patron saint of Dreiburgen, Saint Geronimus. (Yeah! Whoopee! Hurrah!) This year, the tournament is to be held at Martin Tudor Park in Fontana. We request a $1 site fee from adults. We will of course be having a heavy weapons lists. We’ll also be running a consecutive Shinai list. The traditional contest will be there for fun and amusement (ie Best Addition to the Saga, Best Miracle, Best relic, and the Nose Melee.) To add to the populace’s enjoyment, we plan on having additional contests, such as: a History quiz, a Heraldry contest, the Best Poetic Vision of Saint Geronimus, and the Best Painting of Saint Geronimus (we’ll supply materials). We will also be instigating a cooking/baking contest, but with a slight twist. The chef must bring a prepared dish that he or she has Never attempted before. We also expect to hold a judging of the Cooking Contest Contest. Intrigued? Good.

In deference to our Great and Revered Master of allergies, we offer the following schedule:

  • setup 8:00am
  • lists open 9:00am
  • opening court 10:00am
  • lists close 15 min after court
  • fighting starts 30 min after court.

Awards Given


  • Please feel free to add memories to this section.


Add photos if we have them

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St. Geronimus Tournament 1989 St. Geronimus Tournament 1991

Events 1990

Events of Caid
Events: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s

Event Types: Tournament, War, Collegium, Revel, Court, Arts & Sciences Competition

Other Information: Results