Spring Tournament Dreiburgen 1985

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Location: The Riverside Equestrian Center
Date: 05/04/1985

Between 1983 to 1985 Dreiburgen gave up its largest and most revenue generating event “Spring Tournament” to help the Equestrian Arts get started in Caid.

Event Staff


From the Crown Prints

Equestrian Tournament in Dreiburgen

Saturday the 4tth of May at the Riverside Equestrian Center, the Caid College of Equestrian Arts will be holding an Equestrian Tournament.

Contest include: Mounted Costume, Tilting at Rings, Mounted Archery using combat arrows, Behead the Saracen, a Quest, etc.

There will be instruction at beginning and intermediate levels. The site has grass, shade, and picnic tables. Bring lunch and snacks.

Horses may be rented for $25.00 for the day. They may be shared by two riders.


  • Horse pickup begins - 0800
  • Beginning lessons - 0830
  • Intermediate lessons - 0900
  • Qualfying starts (all riders) - 1000
  • First event - 1000


  • Leave your memories here.

From Baron Malcolm Alberic:

I remember how much House Montrose enjoyed this event because the site was only five miles away from our ranch in Pedley, making it possible to ride there and back. The ride was good the games were fun and we even got my mother Drusilla to get out her Arab costume class and parade a barding and enter the Mounted Costume contest.


Add photos if we have them

Upon arrival Aladric & Malcolm drop saddles to rest the horses.
Lunch break Duncan, Rathyen, Aladric, Elizabeth, Malcolm
Diana de Savigny
Equest1985d.JPG Equest1985e.JPG
Daring the giant spider web during the quest

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Spring Tournament Dreiburgen 1984 Spring Tournament Dreiburgen 1987 Dreiburgen Equestrian Tournament 1986

Equestrian Events

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Dreiburgen Equestrian Tournament 1986

Events 1985

Events of Caid
Events: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s

Event Types: Tournament, War, Collegium, Revel, Court, Arts & Sciences Competition

Other Information: Results