Who Was Your "First Crown"?

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These stories were gathered on Facebook. They were in response to the following quest, "Who was the "First Crown" you remember, and why do you remember them fondly?"

From Arianna Kateryn Nunneschild

Patrick II and Adriana were on the Throne when I joined... I was so terrified of doing something wrong, that I would never walk in front of the Royal pavilion – I always walked around behind it when I got to that part of the Eric, because I figured if I curtseyed incorrectly or something, Patrick might eat me. :) (Many years later, I actually talked to him for awhile, and discovered he's really quite mild-mannered and nice.)

Timothy and Trista were the first Court I served, and I have always been grateful for that experience… Tim really knows how to welcome newcomers and make everybody feel like part of the family!

From Lynnette de Sandoval del Valle de los Unicornios

I remember several crowns from my early days, but I think of Guy and Troy in 1984 as my first crown. They were the first crown where I was aware of who they were before crown tourney, I was there to see him win crown tourney, there for their coronation, and saw many of their events. It was the first reign where I saw the whole process instead of just having new people show up wearing the royal crowns.

From Tyna Blackrune

Duke Pat. I went to my first party with SCA peeps and had to stay the night. My ride left me and Pat took me to breakfast and home the next morning. I did not know at the time he was king.