Eógan Ua Confraích

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Don Eógan at Black Oak Lodge 2008
Preferred title: Not specified
Their Pronouns: Not specified
Resides: Darach
Status: Active
Awards: Visit the Caid Order of Precedence
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Master Eógan Ua Confraích, Companion of the Order of Defense and the White Scarf of Caid. He was elevated to the Order of Defense by Oz and Marisa on 01/07/2016.

Pronunciation "Owen O'Confrey".

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Rapier Teaching Dossier


Q: Are you more comfortable with beginners, advanced...?

A: In general, I enjoy working with both ends of the spectrum - the new fighters and advanced fighters. I'm fine with mid-level fighters, but it gets easy to fall into a rut when that is all you teach.

Q: Are you willing to take students, are you a tourney teacher or a melee teacher?

A: I am not opposed to taking students, but in Darach we tend to teach as a school. I enjoy teaching both tourney and melee tactics, if I was pressed to pick one I would probably say melees win out.

Q: Are you aggressive in teaching, do you like to watch and critique or fight and critique?

A: I am "energetic" in my teaching. I like to watch and critique the beginning of the practice and then fight and critique the last half.

Q: Are you uncomfortable teaching females, lefties, tall people, short people, large people, slow people...what do you prefer and who can you offer the most too?

A: I am only uncomfortable teaching the occasional hyper aggressive sort that don't think swords can hurt. I feel that I offer the most to our vertically challenged fighters who don't understand that taller doesn't mean better.

Q: Do you travel to other practices?

A: Not much these day.

Q: Are you approachable, will you make them cry?

A: I haven't made any cry yet ;-)

Q: Are you willing to commit so much time, how far are you willing to travel, how active are you..?

A: Work and my son's traveling schedule in Gymnastics have eaten up most of the time I used to have to go to events. I still attend and teach at our local practice, but I can't make any firm travel commitments this year.