Alfonso de Castile

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Chris and Alfonso - Photo by Thomas Lee Ryan.jpg
Chris and Ron Morgan ( Alfonso de Castile ); Spring Crown Tourney (Mar 23, AS II (1968)), Kingdom of the West
Preferred title: Not specified
Their Pronouns: Not specified
Resides: Angels
Status: Deceased
Awards: Visit the Caid Order of Precedence
AlfonsoDeCastille arms.jpg
Or, a griffin segreant sable
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Master Alfonso de Castile, OL was elevated to the Imperial Order of the Laurel on January 6, 1968 at the West Kingdom's 2nd Twelfth Night for his artistic merit in the field of dance. (For more information about this event: Alfonso de Castille passed away from a short battle with cancer on July 23rd, 2003.

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...The other one (first two Laurels) was Master Alfonso de Castile and he was a master musician. He was the head of a medieval music group called the Consortium Antiguam which was modeled after New York’s Pro Musica Antigua. And the consortium existed in Northern California in the late sixties. And in fact, they intersected with the SCA early on. I think they were certainly at the third tournament. I don’t think they were at the second tournament. As I recall, what happened was that one of their singers knew someone in the SCA and that is how they got connected with us. The Consortium eventually dissolved, and he went inactive and vanished. And he surfaced again many years later. (from a Telephone Interview with Siegfried von Hőflichskeit Aug AS XXI (1987): Early SCA' by Eadwynne of Runedun )

My memory of M. Alfonso covers 26 years (that is how long I was married to him) and includes many SCA events. But, for me the most interesting thing was when I first married him. He had a closet FULL of costumes, instruments, and stuff. When I asked him what all of it was for he said, "Oh, that stuff was from my days as a musician and the SCA." When I asked him if the group was still around (this was 1977), he was not sure and really did not think that it was. Several years later, I found an ad for an event at the park downtown Ventura. I thought it would be fun to put on the outfits and just drop in. Alfonso was surprised that there was a group in Ventura, CA and thought it a good idea. We grabbed my sister and dressed her up in an outfit, I wore one, and Alfonso put on one of his old outfits. Off we went to the city park--not sure of what we would find. The group was delighted to see us and made us feel welcome. This is how I became a part of the SCA family and how we both (Alfonso and I) started to play again.) -- Sibylla Timida de Cantabria (Quoted from The History of the Kingdom of the West Website)
