Brianna Sparrowhawk

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Lady Brianna Sparrowhawk received an Award of Arms on 05/20/1990 from TRM Guy II and Darla II. Brianna is a singer, actor, and director. She is a founding member of the Canton of Gallavally, House Grimlove, House Silver Lion, and co-founder of the No Name Yet Players.


Brianna Sparrowhawk was born during the reign of Queen Elizabeth of the House of Tudor. As the Queen's half-brother Edward VI had previously made it the Empire's official language, she learned English. As a child, Brianna heard a report of what Her Majesty had said. That was, "any young woman unable to take her proper place in a vocal or instrumental ensemble" would become "the laughing-stock of society." So Brianna did both. She sang solos and was in various groups including a quartet. And she learned to play a version of the chordophone that some in Elizabethan England call a "guitar."

One day she and Eldwin Nightowl were on their way to a royal event. While traveling, they passed an evil, foul, shrunken dwarf who was beginning to sing a song. Brianna wisely moved on, but Eldwin stayed to listen....

Brianna had wanted to become an actor. But it was forbidden for girls and women to enter the stage. Fortunately, later during the Queen's reign, that changed. So she became an actress who performed with several companies including the No Name Yet Players.

As of 10/23/2015, no device has been registered for this name.