Dreiburgen 2023 - What An Amazing Year!!

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This was my Bard of Dreiburgen entry.

The Barony of Dreiburgen had been so very busy and had done so many amazing things that I wanted to chronicle that for my entry.

Dreiburgen 2023 - What An Amazing Year!!

What a grand year this has been!
It really makes my head spin!
So much has been done,
And with so much fun,
It's Dreiburgen for the win!
Starting with Coronation in January.
The hall was lovely and airy.
The day was mixed, [1]
With some things eclipsed.
But the barony kept the day merry!
The Roman feast was grand!
With new folks lending a hand!
When the toasting was done,
The dancing was fun!
And the cooks are now much in demand!
In March the Tower fell! [2]
Threatening the land where we dwell!
A call went out,
Answered without doubt!
For the dragon's behavior to quell!
At Draconis the rain tried to win,
And a port-a-pot went for a swim!
But it turned out all right,
With a wonderful night,
At the tavern with many a grin!
In June we went to the Faire! [3]
Showcasing our dream with care!
With fighting and arts,
And fun in our hearts,
The Barony showed all of its flair!
But wait, in June there's more!
Mary's play came to the floor! [4]
With her use of accents,
We found out what she meant!
Her acting I do so adore!
Then St. Corrigan's Day brought the heat ...
That had a lot of us beat.
The sprinklers were grand,
So much fun they fanned!
And the rhyme battle really was NEAT! [5]
In July - Coronation take two.
Things had had time to brew.
Members believed.
And to the Dream they cleaved,
With roses and voices so true!
Then Summer Arts' riddles brought fun!
From the Baron's brain they did come!
Eyes and light?
Stabbing and bites?
Somehow, one of them, I won!!
Anniversary! What an event!
With October costume accents!
The raptors attacked! [6]
But we beat them back!
It was fun for all who went!
The auction, the lunch, and the drinks,
Brought the fun that everyone seeks!
Snow cones! more fun!
Merchants we had one!
And the fighting had lots of hi-jinks!
Which brings us to December Yule,
Where heraldry display is the rule!
With games and food,
And bards sharing their moods!
This barony shines like a jewel!
Thank you all for a wonderful year!
Full of work, and fun, and good cheer!
This barony is great!
So it's you I celebrate!
To me you are all very dear!


[1] Members declared that they did not believe

[2] The back story for Academia Draconis 2023

[3] Koroneburg Renaissance Festival demo

[4] Mary Dedwydd verch Gwallter starred in Riverside Community Players' production of "Witness for the Prosecution" by Agatha Christie.

[5] Flyting: A ritual, poetic exchange of insults practiced mainly between the 5th and 16th centuries.

[6] A maze of new park and CalFire regulations

Lynnette de Sandoval del Valle de los Unicornios