Lance and Carla Burn Fund Support Raffle

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Unto all Caid, from Riordan Robert MacGregor, in regard to the raffle held at Crown Tourney to benefit Lance and Carla (Caius Laevus aka Wilhelm Caius, and Carla of Isles), a recap of thanks and particulars given at closing court, for those who, for whatever reason, missed the information. Should there be any, all errors are unintentional and also they are mine only.

My particular gratitude to Their Royal Majesties Sven and Kolfinna, for Their kindness, generosity, support and assistance, both in welcoming the raffle at Their Crown Tourney, and in spreading the word ahead of time throughout both the tangible and virtual kingdom of Caid -- and for helping us draw tickets. I appreciate the assistance of Vicondesa Jimena Montoya, both when beginning this effort, and in closing it out by taking the proceeds off my hands and making sure that the funds got to the right place. Special thanks to Baniarla CiarLasse MacGregor for her unflagging enthusiasm for, and hard work on, all projects that I rope her into; I could not have done it without her. Their Excellencies Rowan and Ceridwen Killian gave the raffle a wonderful home and much support on the day. Their Excellencies Jens inn draumspaki and Ida Haraldsdottir also were most helpful. Griffin Dyeworks assisted with tables on which to put all of those amazing contributions. Mistress Jeanne Marie de la Croix heralded wonderfully and in good humour, and Her Excellency Leonora Morgana kindly assisted with the drawing itself.

Dear artisans, since I cannot name you all, I am loath to single out any one of you, but you all have my deepest respect and gratitude. As always, your kindness, your generosity and your work was amazing, and touched my heart. As always, you came through in ways, and amounts, that left me speechless, and I can say only thank you again. For those of you good folk who supported the raffle, and the Hoffmans, with purse rather than workbench, your generosity was no less astonishing, especially in these difficult times. Thank you for opening your hearts and your wallets. This kingdom never ceases to humble me with the scope of its caring and its sense of family; I am so proud to be Caidan.

When mentioning totals, I must again particularly thank Drafn, for their contribution of $400. The raffle itself raised $1596. When rounded off with $4 from the "I Like Round Numbers" fund, Caid raised a total of $2000.

Thanks for bearing with the length of this post. Believe me when I say that it is my great pleasure to remain yours in service to the family that I chose; that is, to Caid.

Riordan Robert MacGregor

Original Raffle Announcement

With the kind permission of Their Majesties Sven and Kolfinna a fund raiser will be taking place at Caid Crown Tourney, March 7, 2009 in Al Sahid.

All proceeds to benefit the Lance and Carla Burn Fund.

Lance and Carla, known to in the Society as Caius Laevus or Wilhelm Caius, and Carla of Isles, continue the long process of recovery from the serious injuries and losses they sustained in the Montecito fire.

This is not an official SCA fundraiser; and all monies raised will directly benefit Lance and Carla.

All artisans and others interested in contributing raffle items should contact Riordan or CiarLasse MacGregor

Your assistance and support is greatly appreciated

Please note: Donations are not tax-deductible

  • Choice Raffle at Spring Crown Tournament 3/7/2009

There is another fundraiser planned for Lance and Carla (Lord Caius Laevus aka Wilhelm Caius, and Carla of Isles), SCA members who were severely injured in the November Montecito fire. It is a choice raffle to be held at Spring Crown Tourney (helmed by the requisite private individual, with all necessary disclosures, crossed financial t's and dotted financial i's). Their Royal Majesties Sven and Kolfinna graciously have lent Their support to this project. Donations are sought, and all interested artisans are welcome to participate, singly or by group projects. (If your particular talent is supporting SCA artisans by buying their work, those donations will be equally welcome.) Already, Master Oso kindly has promised something from the Forge.