Template talk:Event

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To create a new article based on this Template, select and copy the text after "Quick Template Markup" (if you are looking to quickly make a place holder) or "Full Template Markup" (if you are looking to fill in with detail) below. Next, paste the text into the edit text area of the new page. Then replace "placeholder" content with relevant content.

Quick Template Markup

{{Event|photo=[[Image:Photo needed.jpg|300px]]|photocaption=Caption Needed|location=Location|date=Date of Event}}



Full Template Markup

{{Event|photo=[[Image:Photo needed.jpg|300px]]|photocaption=Caption Needed|location=Location|date=Date of Event}}

Intro. (i.e., name of event)

==Event Staff==
*Event Steward(s):

*Brief listing of major points of the day

==From the Crown Prints==
Official event announcements sanitized to not involve personal information.

*Leave your memories here.

Add photos if we have them

==More Information==
*Links to photo galleries, West Kingdom History page, etc.

{| {{tablestyle1}}
! Previous Year
! Current Year
! Next Year
| [[Events 2015]]
| '''[[Events 2016]]'''
| [[Events 2017]]

<!-- The following table is optional. If it's too much trouble to fill in, simply omit the following code -->
{| {{tablestyle1}}
! Go back
! Go forward
| [[eventname 2013]]
| [[eventname 2015]]

[[Category:name of host group]]
