Talk:Dolphin Herald
Purpose of this office: "Dolphin Herald is the chief deputy of Crescent Herald and is 'Voice of the Heirs'. Since 2002, Dolphin has also served as 'external submission herald' for Caid." -Lachlan.
Correction: Since 2003, Dolphin has also served...
Aw. You had to go and start a list of Dolphins, didn't you? Su of the Silver Horn - 7/2005 to present. Lachlan of Cromarty - 5/2003 to 6/2005. Ghislaine d'Auxerre - 7/2000 to 7/2002.
I'll try and continue this research later. -Lachlan.
I'd like a list for all Kingdom Officers :) Thanks for the info. --Kolfinna 10:07, 14 June 2008 (PDT)
More info: Hrorek Halfdane of Faulconwood: Bruce Draconarius: Akigawa Yoshio: unknown (but was in this office in 10/1986)-11/1989 Zenobia Naphtali: Jasper Greensmith of the Seagirt Glen: unknown Catrin verch Daffydd: unknown Eiríkr Mjoksiglandi Sigurðarson: unknown-1/1996 Madawc Seumus Caradawg: 1/1996-1/2000 -Lachlan.