Lorccan’s Day

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Lorccan hua Conchobair
fallen in Fall Crown Tourney, A.S. XLII

Lorccan’s Day

Full morning and the shining sun
Did light the way for armed men;
Fair ladies all their favors bear,
And gentry come from hill and fen.

All set about the tourney field,
A day of which all bards now sing,
To watch each one that’s join’d the list
For any man may here be king.

See now Lorccan hua Conchobair,
His tunic white and mantle green;
A boyish joy glints from his eyes
Through features set in noble mien.

Upon a shield his arms do bear
The tinctures vert, argent and Or.
Long years of battle fill his heart,
And service sworn to crowns before.

O! Many men he fought this day:
Long-seasoned knights, true doughty foes.
He met the eagle, and the bull,
And triumphed o’er the silver rose.

Yet only one the crown may wear,
To play for now the kingly role.
Yet victor he in all the rounds
As honor’s ever Lorccan’s goal.

— Lady Magdalene van den Velde
... is a 15th Century lady of Flanders who enjoys fencing, natural philosophy, and fiber arts. She currently resides in Cadiz when not at sea.


Copyright of the poems belongs to the original author. The Crown Poem Staff has consented to have the poems reprinted on the CaidWiki, but you need to obtain permission from them before reprinting in any other medium. See Crown Poems for contact information.