User talk:Countesskissa

From Compendum Caidis
Revision as of 22:20, 2 January 2010 by Lachlan (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the wiki!--Kolfinna 11:00, 9 July 2008 (PDT)

Change to how User Groups Work

Great news! The Kingdom Webwright has given us a 3 month window to test to see how it would work if all users had edit abilities. So all users have been added to the "Commenters" group which allows you to edit live pages and upload photos. Jump right in and start adding new pages and editing old ones! If you need help on how to edit the wiki, visit Help:Contents. If I don't know who you are (i.e. I need to match your SCA name to your wiki account) you will not be added to the commenters group. This is rare, only a few of you I haven't been able to place. Email me at if you need further help. --Kolfinna 13:34, 20 August 2008 (PDT)

Awards Lists

I stopped by your populace page the other day and noticed that you have a listing of the awards you have received. The site policy is that complete lists are not appropriate, but that the important points may be mentioned. The policy reads as follows:

"We are not recreating the Order of Precedence. Feel free to list preferred title and major points (either highest precedence award or award that means the most to the recipient). Full lists of personal awards are not appropriate because Compendium Caidis does not have staff to verify their accuracy. We make no guarantee that awards described on populace pages are verified, correct or up to date. For complete awards lists for any Caidan, please visit the Caid Order of Precedence."

I appreciate it if you can take a moment to look into rewriting your page. Typically awards are mentioned in the "introduction" at the top of populace pages. For example, "Countess Kissa Irminwhit was elevated to the Order of the Rose by Edric III and Catalina on 11/17/2001." ... or something along those lines.--Lachlan 21:20, 2 January 2010 (PST)