Now Gunnar Jorgensen set sail upon the rolling sea

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Gunnar Jørgensen
fallen in Fall Crown Tourney, A.S. XLII

Now Gunnar Jorgensen set sail upon the rolling sea
He heard Caid might need a King, and thought it should be he.
With Countess Kissa by his side, he’d rule in Viking style
By raiding all our neighbors, he’d bring gold back by the pile.

When he approached our shores, he found a Turk of mighty girth
Jamal pulled out his sword and said, “Six feet I’ll give of earth.”
Now Gunnar thought this was a slight, so he too drew his sword
But soon was lying on his back, while ravens near him soared.

Jamal strides off, and Gunnar finds that he’s not really dead
He gets back to his feet and pulls his helmet on his head
A German now, called Augustine, is next to come in sight
And this time Gunnar beats his foe, though he is full of fight.

And now a fellow Viking comes, Sir Sven hoves into view
But Vikings love to fight with Vikings, this we know is true.
Sir Sven is known far and wide, but Gunnar doesn’t care
And ‘fore too long it’s Sven who at the bright blue sky does stare.

Now Gunnar thinks the day is his, when Sven falls to the ground
He’s positive that he can beat most anyone around
He’ll win a crown for Kissa and an army to command
And foreign Kings will shudder when he gives them a command.

The thoughts of glory are too great – he barely sees the Knight
Who quietly walks up to him and asks if he will fight.
Too late the reverie does break - Sir Gamyl’s blow is strong
And as poor Gunnar falls, I see it’s time to end this song.

— Sir Robear du Bois
... Thirty years on the field I have fought

And for almost that long, rhymes I’ve sought
Now my armor looks old,
And I’m not quite so bold
And my rhymes make my subjects distraught


Copyright of the poems belongs to the original author. The Crown Poem Staff has consented to have the poems reprinted on the CaidWiki, but you need to obtain permission from them before reprinting in any other medium. See Crown Poems for contact information.