Free Company of the Heart and Flame

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Founded: May 2023
Status: Active
VOTLN Wiki.jpeg
Heraldry Needed


Forged as vigilants of a long night

The Charge

  • As a Vigilant, you are charged with aiding those in distress.
  • Being a safe place for those who need help or who have found themselves in a bad situation.
  • You will know who to go to in authority that can help or is responsible for recording/resolving that issue, or if you do not know, will know how to find out.
  • You will stay with the person who sought aid, until they discharge you from their side.
  • You will find another Vigilant to be with you so that you and the individual in distress will be better protected.
  • You will maintain the dignity and respect of both yourself and your charge.
  • You will be alert for signs of distress and must always be ready to ask, "Do you need help"

Rapier Fighting Unit

Free Company Corsairs

