In the land of Angels fair

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Andrew Baird
fallen in Fall Crown Tourney, A.S. XLII

In the land of Angels fair, under Caid’s sun,
Men and women, sword in hand, meet on honor’s field.
No mere test of skill and might happens here today,
For Caid’s crown does await he who wins the list.
Knights invite an honored few before the first round;
Standing with the chivalry, first honor today,
Andrew Baird takes his place for challenge does he wait.

His helmet shines in the morning sun, he bears arms of blue and green,
Though he fights for Matlens fair, he has loved once a queen.

Onto field Dreiburgen to resolve the first round,
Though a loss is his reward Andrew’s honor shines.
Next to field Starkhafn and Broadnor to defeat,
Truer now his sword rings out and Andrew earns a win.
One step closer to the crown, heralds call round three.
Now he meets a valiant knight bearing dragon shield,
And though giving all he can, takes his second loss.

His helmet shines in the morning sun, he bears arms of blue and green,
Though he fights for Matlens fair, he has loved once a queen.

Even in final defeat, Andrew is all grace.
Every fight a lesson learned, another day is done.
Today his sterling honor does outshine his skill,
But someday soon Caid’s crown will rest on his head.
He honors well his lady and well too his knight,
Both are pleased to see him and offer their support,
But just a smile from his love is his best reward.

His helmet shines in the morning sun, he bears arms of blue and green,
Though he fights for Matlens fair, he has loved once a queen.

— THLady Mealla Caimbeul
... Bard of Dun Or


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