Template talk:Populace: Difference between revisions

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{{Populace|photo = [[Image:Photo needed.jpg]]| photocaption = Caption Needed| location =Local group name in Caid, or Kingdom name if out of Caid (put in [[]]) | status =Active, Semi-Active, Inactive, Retired, Banished, Deceased | device = [[Image:Device needed.jpg]] | devicecaption = Heraldry Needed}}
This template creates the right-hand sidebar on all Populace pages. The sidebar displays pictures of the persona and their heraldry as well as some basic information about them.

Title Name. SCA Biography. Selected Awards (the Wiki is not the place to do a full awards list).
To create a new article based on this Template, select and copy the text after "Quick Template Markup" (if you are looking to quickly make a place holder) or "Full Template Markup" (if you are looking to fill in with detail) below. Next, paste the text into the edit text area of the new page. Then replace "placeholder" content with relevant content.

== Persona ==
To add photos of the persona, you will have to first upload them to the wiki.

== Offices & Positions ==
The template also includes a number of "fields" which are displayed in the sidebar in a readable format.
*Name of Position, Location, mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy
* "photo" should be a link to the subject's photo uploaded to the wiki if any is available.
*List in Chronological order, oldest to newest
* "photocaption" usually shows the name of the subject, possibly also a brief description of the date and/or location where the photo was taken.
* "title" is the subject's "preferred title". In this field, note the title the subject prefers to be referred to by. This might be an alternate title based on the persona's culture and time period, for example. "Unknown" is fine, if not known.
* "pronouns" For example, "she, her, hers", "he, him, his", "they, them, their", etc. "Unknown" is fine, if not known.
* "location" is where the subject lives (or had last lived), if known. "Unknown" is fine, if not known.
* "status" indicates whether the subject is currently active, inactive, deceased, etc. "Unknown" is fine, if not known.
* "device" is a link to an image of the subjects heraldry which has been uploaded to the wiki, if any exists.
* "devicecaption" typically is the official blazon of the heraldry as registered by the College of Arms of the Society.

== Event Staff ==
Then in the code "<code><nowiki>[[Category:+ Populace »]]</nowiki></code>" below, replace "»" with the 
*Name of Position, Name of Event, mm/dd/yyyy
capitalized first initial of the person's name. If the name starts with an accented letter, replace "»" with the unaccented letter (e.g. names starting in "Á" should use the subcategory "<code><nowiki>[[Category:+ Populace A]]</nowiki></code>"). If the name starts with "Æ", subcategorize it as "A". If the name starts with "Þ", subcategorize it as "T". This will help users navigate through the expansive Populace category.
*List in Chronological order, oldest to newest

== Projects & Publications ==
==Quick Template Markup==
*Name of Project/Publication, Other info, mm/dd/yyyy
*List in Chronological order, oldest to newest

==Board of Directors Sanctions==
*mm/dd/yyyy, sanction, if applicable
{{Populace|photo = [[Image:Photo needed.jpg|300px]]| photocaption = Caption Needed| title = Not specified | pronouns = Not specified | location = [[Unknown]] | status = Unknown | device = [[Image:Device needed.jpg|300px]] | devicecaption = Heraldry Needed}}</nowiki></code>

== Death ==
<code><nowiki>[[Category:+ Populace »]]</nowiki></code>
List date (and if suitable, the cause) of death, if applicable. Also add the Category "Memoriam" to the page.
*Note: This is real death, not persona death.

== Miscellany ==
==Full Template Markup==
Additional info you want listed
===subheaders should look like this===
{{Populace|photo = [[Image:Photo needed.jpg|300px]]| photocaption = Caption Needed| title = Not specified | pronouns = Not specified | location = Local group name in Caid, or Kingdom name if out of Caid (put in [[]]) | status = Active, Semi-Active, Inactive, Retired, Banished, Deceased | device = [[Image:Device needed.jpg|300px]] | devicecaption = Heraldry Needed}}</nowiki></code>
*Topics could include tournaments won, artistic interests, commendations, information that doesn't fit into the main categories.

== Memories ==
<code><nowiki>Title Name. SCA Biography. Selected Awards (the Wiki is not the place to do a full awards list).</nowiki></code>
Other people's memories of the individual
=== From [[Jane Doe]] ===
*I first met John Doe while he was commanding the field and did something totally heroic (stories to be suitable for general audiences)

== More Information ==
<code><nowiki>== Persona ==</nowiki></code>
*[http://offsitewebsite.com Name's Web Site]
<br /><code><nowiki>Example</nowiki></code>
**Note: Do not put in website links to household pages, those links should be on the household page proper. Feel free to add a internal link in this section to the household (warband) in question.
*[[Order of Precedence]] - See this individual's  list of awards.
<code><nowiki>== Associates ==</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>*Name, Position, mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>*List in Chronological order, oldest to newest</nowiki></code>
<code><nowiki>== Offices & Positions ==</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>*Name of Position, Location, mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>*List in Chronological order, oldest to newest</nowiki></code>
<code><nowiki>== Event Staff ==</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>*Name of Position, Name of Event, mm/dd/yyyy</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>*List in Chronological order, oldest to newest</nowiki></code>
<code><nowiki>== Projects & Publications ==</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>*Name of Project/Publication, Other info, mm/dd/yyyy</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>*List in Chronological order, oldest to newest</nowiki></code>
<code><nowiki>== Death ==</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>List date (and if suitable, the cause) of death, if applicable. Also add the Category "Memoriam" to the page.</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>*Note: This is real death, not persona death.</nowiki></code>
<code><nowiki>== Miscellany ==</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>Additional info you want listed</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>===subheaders should look like this===</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>*Topics could include tournaments won, artistic interests, commendations, information that doesn't fit into the main categories.</nowiki></code>
<code><nowiki>== Memories ==</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>*Leave your memories.</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>=== From [[Jane Doe]] ===</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>*I first met John Doe while he was commanding the field and did something totally heroic (stories to be suitable for general audiences)</nowiki></code>
<code><nowiki>== More Information ==</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>*[http://offsitewebsite.com Name's Web Site]</nowiki></code>
<br /><code><nowiki>**Note: Do not put in website links to household pages, those links should be on the household page proper. Feel free to add a internal link in this section to the household (warband) in question.</nowiki></code>
<code><nowiki>[[Category:+ Populace »]]</nowiki></code>

Latest revision as of 15:17, 6 June 2024

This template creates the right-hand sidebar on all Populace pages. The sidebar displays pictures of the persona and their heraldry as well as some basic information about them.

To create a new article based on this Template, select and copy the text after "Quick Template Markup" (if you are looking to quickly make a place holder) or "Full Template Markup" (if you are looking to fill in with detail) below. Next, paste the text into the edit text area of the new page. Then replace "placeholder" content with relevant content.

To add photos of the persona, you will have to first upload them to the wiki.

The template also includes a number of "fields" which are displayed in the sidebar in a readable format.

  • "photo" should be a link to the subject's photo uploaded to the wiki if any is available.
  • "photocaption" usually shows the name of the subject, possibly also a brief description of the date and/or location where the photo was taken.
  • "title" is the subject's "preferred title". In this field, note the title the subject prefers to be referred to by. This might be an alternate title based on the persona's culture and time period, for example. "Unknown" is fine, if not known.
  • "pronouns" For example, "she, her, hers", "he, him, his", "they, them, their", etc. "Unknown" is fine, if not known.
  • "location" is where the subject lives (or had last lived), if known. "Unknown" is fine, if not known.
  • "status" indicates whether the subject is currently active, inactive, deceased, etc. "Unknown" is fine, if not known.
  • "device" is a link to an image of the subjects heraldry which has been uploaded to the wiki, if any exists.
  • "devicecaption" typically is the official blazon of the heraldry as registered by the College of Arms of the Society.

Then in the code "[[Category:+ Populace »]]" below, replace "»" with the capitalized first initial of the person's name. If the name starts with an accented letter, replace "»" with the unaccented letter (e.g. names starting in "Á" should use the subcategory "[[Category:+ Populace A]]"). If the name starts with "Æ", subcategorize it as "A". If the name starts with "Þ", subcategorize it as "T". This will help users navigate through the expansive Populace category.

Quick Template Markup

{{Populace|photo = [[Image:Photo needed.jpg|300px]]| photocaption = Caption Needed| title = Not specified | pronouns = Not specified | location = [[Unknown]] | status = Unknown | device = [[Image:Device needed.jpg|300px]] | devicecaption = Heraldry Needed}} {{stub}}

[[Category:+ Populace »]]

Full Template Markup

{{Populace|photo = [[Image:Photo needed.jpg|300px]]| photocaption = Caption Needed| title = Not specified | pronouns = Not specified | location = Local group name in Caid, or Kingdom name if out of Caid (put in [[]]) | status = Active, Semi-Active, Inactive, Retired, Banished, Deceased | device = [[Image:Device needed.jpg|300px]] | devicecaption = Heraldry Needed}}

Title Name. SCA Biography. Selected Awards (the Wiki is not the place to do a full awards list).

== Persona ==

== Associates ==
*Name, Position, mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy
*List in Chronological order, oldest to newest

== Offices & Positions ==
*Name of Position, Location, mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy
*List in Chronological order, oldest to newest

== Event Staff ==
*Name of Position, Name of Event, mm/dd/yyyy
*List in Chronological order, oldest to newest

== Projects & Publications ==
*Name of Project/Publication, Other info, mm/dd/yyyy
*List in Chronological order, oldest to newest

== Death ==
List date (and if suitable, the cause) of death, if applicable. Also add the Category "Memoriam" to the page.
*Note: This is real death, not persona death.

== Miscellany ==
Additional info you want listed
===subheaders should look like this===
*Topics could include tournaments won, artistic interests, commendations, information that doesn't fit into the main categories.

== Memories ==
*Leave your memories.
=== From [[Jane Doe]] ===
*I first met John Doe while he was commanding the field and did something totally heroic (stories to be suitable for general audiences)

== More Information ==
*[http://offsitewebsite.com Name's Web Site]
**Note: Do not put in website links to household pages, those links should be on the household page proper. Feel free to add a internal link in this section to the household (warband) in question.

[[Category:+ Populace »]]