The Lay of Bjorn

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Bjorn Zenthfeer
fallen in Fall Crown Tourney, A.S. XLII

The Lay of Bjorn

Bjorn be young, but Bjorn be proud,
Now Bjorn he swings his sword,
Bjorn he stands the field this day,
Where Caid’s Kings be forged.

Bjorn he comes with hopeful heart,
Now Bjorn he stands him tall,
Bjorn be eager for the fray,
Where hears he Kingly Call.

Bjorn be rash, and Bjorn be swift,
But Lion deftly fights,
Bjorn he learns now of dismay,
When Patrick’s sword hard bites.

Bjorn be strong, and Bjorn be brave,
But Horse his hooves strike deep,
Kingly chances slip away,
When Rhys his life doth reap.

Bjorn be dead, and Bjorn be cold,
But memory lingers on,
Fair Roisin her tears do play,
While sings she hero’s songs.

Secca of Venice
... is a 6th c. Ostrogoth in the service of Theoderic the Great (and occasionally a 15th c. Venetian condottiere)


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