Sarnwold Prize Tourney

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Location: Sarnwold (Altavia)
El Cariso Park
Sylmar, CA
Date: 11/25/1978

The Canton of Sarnwold hosted a prize tourney, autocratted by Lord Morton the Grey at El Cariso Park in Sylmar, CA. Despite the cold wind and overcast skies, the turnout was good. Fourteen fighters (including two lady fighters) participated in the melees, while twelve fighters entered the prize lists. His Majesty Martin the Temperate bested Yaroslav the Persistent in the lists and won an encyclopedic book on arms. Her Majesty Neptha of Thebes received a glass dagger.

Lady Anne de Villanova ran an Egyptian mythology contest that Her Majesty judged. Of the six entrants, Auberon Cirin scored 45 points and received a beautiful scarab.

Lord Morton the Grey and Lady Anne de Villanova hosted a revel at their home.


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